      Agglomeration Elasticity, Transport, Wider Economic Benefits, Urban Productivity, China [1]
      Attribute processing; attribute attendance; toll vs. free routes; value of travel time savings; choice models; probabilistic decision process model [1]
      Aviation; public service obligations; efficiency; value for money; remote regions [1]
      Bottom-up; top-down; discrete choice; differentiated products; continuous demand; computable general equilibrium (CGE) models; transport infrastructure investment; urban planning; wider economic impacts [1]
      Bus stop, Poisson, congestion, queue, bus delay, bus rapid transit [1]
      Coordination game; loss aversion; experimental economics; road congestion; speed-flow relationship [1]
      Information processing; attribute ignoring; non-attendance; attribute importance; attribute relevance; stated choice [1]
      Innovation; imitation; commoditisation; value migration; the PRODUCT-service life cycle; the product-SERVICE life cycle [1]
      Logistics; container assignment model; maritime network [1]
      Online reviews; eWom; brand trust; willingness to purchase [1]
      Ownership; risk management; contract theory; theory of incomplete contract; incentive alignment; public-privatepartnerships; discrete choice models; stated choice experiment [1]
      Pallet life cycle; pallet loss; sustainability; resource scarcity; stakeholder theory; ecological modernization theory; dynamic capabilities perspective [1]
      Pseudo panel data; dynamic model; Monte Carlo simulation; estimator bias and efficiency [1]
      Public transport crowding; perceptions; objective measures; subjective measures; willingness to pay [1]
      Residential land value uplift; bus transitway infrastructure; accessibility; house prices premia from accessibility improvements; geographically weighted regression [1]
      Road pricing reform, voting choice, referendum, subjective belief, perceptual conditioning, revenue allocation, elasticities, choice experiment [1]
      Road pricing reform; political process; revenue implications; staging reform; appealing solutions; use-related registration fees; distance-based charging [1]
      Road pricing reform; political process; revenue implications; staging reform; simple solutions; use-related registration fees; time reduction benefit charge; non-choice pricing; choice pricing [1]
      Service outsourcing; customer value; relationship interaction; relationship quality; outsourcing motives [1]
      Static traffic assignment; quasi-dynamic traffic assignment; network loading; link transmission model; hard capacity constraints [1]