      air freight, network, Chinese airlines, international cargo flow [1]
      benchmarking [1]
      best-worst, first best, second best, choice models, choice sets, full rank, irrelevance of statewise dominated alternatives, road pricing reform, choice experiment [1]
      Brand trust, consumer equity, online reviews, value [1]
      bus contracts [1]
      Bus rapid transit, light rail transit, perceptions, buy in, voting preferences, service attributes, design attributes [1]
      capacity constrained [1]
      competitive tendering [1]
      customer service, social media, virtual business, value creation, e-word of mouth [1]
      Disaster prevention; Investment timing; Benefit spillover; Investment coordination; Information accumulation [1]
      Discrete choice; continuous demand; computable general equilibrium model; wider economic impact of transport investment [1]
      Dwelling prices, hedonic price, choice models, endogenity, integrated transport and land use models [1]
      Dynamic network loading, first order, generalised link transmission model, event-based, fast approximate solution [1]
      Experimental design, constraints, attribute level balance, d-error, stated choice experiments [1]
      GPS [1]
      Green Supply Chain; Environmental Sustainability; Lean; Agile; Flexible; Nonlinear Mathematical Programming; Cross-Entropy Method; Case Study [1]
      gross and net cost efficiency [1]
      group choice, joint choice, hierarchical bayes, regression, preference heterogeneity, commute, willingness to accept [1]
      negotiated performance based contracts [1]
      node model [1]