ITLS Working Papers 2007
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Predicting fine particulate concentrations near a busy intersection in Sydney using artificial neural networks
Published 2007-08-01Scientific evidence of the connection between vehicle emissions and public health outcomes continues to grow. Key to this connection is the accurate monitoring and prediction of pollution concentrations within transport ...Working Paper -
Extending stated choice analysis to recognise agentspecific attribute endogeneity in bilateral group negotiation and choice: A think piece
Published 2007-03-01This paper is a think piece on variations in the structure of stated preference studies when modelling the joint preferences of interacting agents who have the power to influence the attribute levels on offer. The approach ...Working Paper -
Achieving competitive advantage through strategic and operational partnering in the value chain: The Asia Pacific challenge
Published 2007-05-01The Asia Pacific region has witnessed many changes in recent years. For much of the last 15/20 years it has been the source of low-cost production of labour intensive products. More recently there has been a significant ...Working Paper -
Evacuation plan evaluation: Assessment of vehicular evacuation schemes by means of an analytical dynamic traffic model
Published 2007-10-01An evacuation model is posed, combining a dynamic travel demand component, an adaptive travel choice behaviour component, and a dynamic network loading component. The travel demand component considers the primary choice ...Working Paper -
The dark side of making transit irresistible: The example of France
Published 2007-05-01The French experience in developing policies to reduce car use in metropolitan areas is presented in this paper as an illustration of the lack of recognition of the broader set of criteria on which specific policy frameworks ...Working Paper