Browsing ITLS Working Papers 2006 by title
Advances in GPS Technology for Measuring Travel
Published 2006-07-01Since the late 1990s, GPS has begun to be used as a method for measuring personal travel. Early devices were for in-vehicle use only and derived their power from the accessory socket of the car. In the early 2000s, the ...Working Paper -
Analysis and Evaluation of Incentive Compatible Dynamic Mechanisms for Carrier Collaboration
Published 2006-04-01This paper introduces a framework for carrier dynamic collaboration. In particular it proposes and analyzes dynamic collaborative mechanisms that are incentive compatible. The dynamic collaborative environment is characterized ...Working Paper -
Analysis of the Efficiency of Commercial Vehicle Tours: Data Collection, Methodological, and Policy Implications
Published 2006-09-01The emphasis of this research is on the analysis of commercial vehicle tours. Tours are disaggregated by their routing constraints. The generation of Vehicle Kilometers Traveled (VKT) by tour type is analytically modeled ...Working Paper -
Approximation of Bayesian Efficiency in Experimental Choice Designs
Published 2006-06-01This paper compares different types of simulated draws over a range of number of draws in generating Bayesian efficient designs for stated choice studies. The paper examines how closely pseudo Monte Carlo, quasi Monte Carlo ...Working Paper -
Asymmetrical Preference Formation in Willingness to Pay Estimates in Discrete Choice Models
Published 2006-06-01Individuals when faced with choices amongst a number of alternatives often adopt a variety of processing rules, ranging from simple linear to complex non-linear treatment of each attribute defining the offer of each ...Working Paper -
Community Perceptions of ‘TravelSmart®’ Behaviour in South Australia
Published 2006-10-01Despite the recent interest in changing community travel behaviours to promote sustainability, most travel behaviour change research to date has centred on a variety of health and safety issues. Insights from the psychology ...Working Paper -
Delivering Value for Money to Government through Efficient and Effective Public Transit Service Continuity: Some Thoughts
Published 2006-08-01This paper documents some thoughts on the reform agenda in public transit that is occurring throughout the world. The specific focus is on a growing commitment to competitive regulation through competitive tendering, and ...Working Paper -
Disaggregate Assessments of Population Exposure to Aircraft Noise
Published 2006-09-01The dual pressures of rapidly growing air passenger and freight traffic and increasing numbers of people living in close proximity to airports and flight-paths is a major social problem in many major urban centres around ...Working Paper -
The Effect of Service Quality and Price on International Airline Competition
Published 2006-01-01A game theoretic model, integrated with passenger’s international choice behaviour, for the competition between international airlines is developed and used to identify the role of competing service quality. The empirical ...Working Paper -
Establishing and Using a Before and After Panel Survey: Case Study of New South Wales
Published 2006-07-01This paper describes the use of a panel in a pilot TravelSmart project in New South Wales. The survey was conducted using two-day diaries, for which households were initially contacted and recruited by phone, and then sent ...Working Paper -
Heteroscedastic Control for Random Coefficients and Error Components in Mixed Logit
Published 2006-03-01Developments in simulation methods, and the computational power that is now available, have enabled open-form discrete choice models such as mixed logit to be estimated with relative ease. The random parameter (RP) form ...Working Paper -
Households on the Move: Experiences of a New Approach to Voluntary Travel Behaviour Change
Published 2006-10-01Voluntary travel behaviour change approaches have been used in most of the capital cities of Australia over the past few years. In a new approach to this strategy, Canberra carried out a pilot test of applying the strategy ...Working Paper -
Influence of Vehicle Occupancy on the Valuation of Car Driver’s Travel Time Savings: Identifying Important Behavioural Segments
Published 2006-05-01Studies that develop estimates of the value of travel time savings (VTTS) for car travel typically assume that the VTTS of the driver is the only relevant measure of the worth of time savings. Although there is a recogntion ...Working Paper -
Mixed Method Data Collection in Travel Surveys: Challenges and Opportunities
Published 2006-10-01The Transport and Population Data Centre (TPDC) has been running the Sydney Household Travel Survey as a continuous survey since 1997/8. It collects information on day-to-day travel in the Greater Sydney Metropolitan Region. ...Working Paper -
Modeling the Impact of Technological Changes on Urban Commercial Trips by Commercial Activity Routing Type
Published 2006-04-01An array of noteworthy developments in logistics practice has taken place without an equivalent and comprehensive development in urban freight transportation modeling. Part of the problem is the lack of deep understanding ...Working Paper -
A Panel Approach to Evaluating TravelSmart Initiatives in the Short Term – South Australia Pilot Survey
Published 2006-07-01An unusual TravelSmart intervention is being undertaken in South Australia, in which the intervention will take place over a period of about two years, using a variety of techniques to gain increasing acceptance from the ...Working Paper -
Pilot Testing a GPS Panel for Evaluating TravelSmart
Published 2006-07-01TravelSmart initiatives are an important element of the national program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cars. In this paper, the authors report on the design of a long-term panel for evaluating the effects of ...Working Paper -
Pricing in Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems
Published 2006-04-01The principal focus of this paper is to study carrier pricing decisions for a new type of vehicle routing problems defined in a competitive and dynamic environment. This paper introduces the Vehicle Routing Problem in a ...Working Paper -
Quantifying Opportunity Costs in Sequential Transportation Auctions for Truckload Acquisition
Published 2006-04-01The principal focus of this research is to quantify opportunity costs in sequential transportation auctions. This paper focuses on the study a transportation marketplace with time-sensitive truckload pickup-and-delivery ...Working Paper -
Reducing Sign Violation for VTTS Distributions through Recognition of an Individual’s Attribute Processing Strategy
Published 2006-06-01A number of authors have recently argued that the selection of the distributional assumptions in mixed logit models, used in deriving distributions of valuation of travel time savings (VTTS) to capture taste heterogeneity, ...Working Paper