      Aircraft noise; GIS; population tracking [1]
      Car passengers, value of travel time savings, choice models. [1]
      Contracts, stated preferences, business models, alliances, bus reform [1]
      Data collection, mixed mode, response rate, cost effectiveness, telephone, internet, face-to-face, postal. [1]
      Discrete choice, value of travel time savings, mixed logit and selection bias. [1]
      Experimental design, Gaussian quadrature, Halton sequences, Modified Latin Hypercube Sampling, Sobol sequences, Stated Choice experiments [1]
      Freight transportation, carrier management strategies, carrier profitability, information Technology, Bidding Strategies, Electronic Commerce, Auctions. [1]
      Freight transportation, urban freight demand, carrier behavior, shipper behavior, commercial vehicle traffic, city logistics, commercial vehicle tours, truck trip generation, truck trip distribution, freight data collection, empty truck trips, truck trip length distribution [1]
      Freight transportation, urban freight demand, carrier behaviour, shipper behaviour, vehicle routing problem, commercial vehicle traffic, urban logistics & commercial freight activities [1]
      Freight transportation, urban freight demand, carrier behaviour, shipper behaviour, vehicle routing problem, commercial vehicle traffic, urban logistics, commercial freight activities [1]
      GPS Devices, Testing, Wearable GPS, Travel Data, Accurac, Signal Acquisition, Urban Canyon, Development [1]
      GPS, personal exposure, fine particulates, travel microenvironments [1]
      Mixed logit, error components, discrete choice, elasticities, value of time savings [1]
      Preference asymmetry, valuation of travel time savings, pivot designs [1]
      Public transit, competition, tendering, asset ownership, efficiency, trusting partnerships, incomplete contracts, contractible quality, non-contractible quality [1]
      Sample Size, Panel, Travel Survey, TravelSmart, Voluntary Travel Behaviour Change. [1]
      Service quality, reference point, asymmetric response model, linear structural relations model, game theory, Cournot model, Stakelberg model. [1]
      Stated choice designs, attribute processing, preference differences, signed VTTS [1]
      TravelSmart, Evaluation, GPS (Global Positioning Systems), VKT, Sample Size, Panel, Variability. [1]
      TravelSmart, willingness to change, perceptions, barriers to change, car dependence [1]