Browsing Research Publications and Outputs by title
Aboriginal Women Against Violence Project Evaluation Report
Published 2010-07-01In 2008 Joan Harrison’s Support Services for Women received funding under the National Community Crime Prevention Programme (NCCPP) in relation to the Aboriginal Women Against Violence Project. The overall aim of the project ...Other -
Action research with caseworkers: Responding to and reflecting on the impacts of COVID‐19 on birth family contact
Published 2022Social distancing due to COVID‐19 forced changes to contact with birth relatives for children in out‐of‐home care. This required a shift to using technologies, which was previously underutilized and viewed as risky. In an ...Article -
Adoption in Australia: Past, present and considerations for the future
Published 2021Australia has a troubled history with adoption, arising from the legacy of forced and “closed” adoptions and the systematic removal of Indigenous children, known as the “Stolen Generations”. Evidence from national inquiries ...Article -
Automated Essay Scoring in Australian Schools: Collective Policymaking - Policy Brief
Published 2022-11-29This policy brief outlines critical issues associated with policy and the use of Automated Essay Scoring (AES) technology in the Australian education system. The brief outlines recommends multi-scalar policy development ...Report, Research -
Automated Essay Scoring in Australian Schools: Key Issues and Recommendations White Paper
Published 2022-11-29This white paper outlines critical issues associated with the use of Automated Essay Scoring (AES) technology in the Australian education system. The key insights presented in this paper emerged from a collaborative, ...Report, Research -
Balancing Technology, Pedagogy and the New Normal: Post-pandemic Challenges for Higher Education
Published 2021The Covid-19 pandemic has presented an opportunity for rethinking assumptions about education in general and higher education in particular. In the light of the general crisis the pandemic caused, especially when it comes ...Article -
Benefits and limits of peer support for mothers with intellectual disability affected by domestic violence and child protection
Published 2020-01-01It is established that parents with intellectual disability raise their children in conditions of severe socioeconomic disadvantage, increasing a risk of child removal. Peer support can help vulnerable and isolated families ...Article -
A bridge across our fears: understanding spoken word poetry in troubled times
Published 2022Spoken word poetry encourages youth to engage in identity construction, resist oppression and construct counternarratives. Through participating in community_based slams, school workshops and online events, young people ...Article -
Bridging the Gap: Evaluation of the Domestic Violence And Mental Health Pilot Project -Joan Harrison Support Services For Women
Published 2010-05-18The Domestic Violence and Mental Health (DV&MH) position was established by Joan Harrison Support Services for Women (JHSSW)as a pilot project in 2008. It was a direct response to findings from the Towards Better Practice ...Other -
Bureaucratic governance, family economies and the 1930s NSW teachers’ marriage bar, Australia.
Published 2017-01-01This paper reports the findings of an analysis of Statutory Declaration forms completed by teachers seeking exemption from dismissal under the NSW Married Women (Lecturers and Teachers) Act (1932-1947). Most sought exemption ...Article -
Changing nature of adoption and need for post-adoption services: Intercountry adoption practice in Taiwan and Australia
Published 2021This study explores issues on post-adoption services in intercountry adoptions based on the perspectives of adoption professionals from Taiwan and Australia. Findings revealed that both birth and adoptive families identify ...Article -
Chapter 1 Introduction in The Promotion of Education: A Critical Cultural Social Marketing Approach
Published 2019-01-01This book introduces critical cultural social marketing and adapts these techniques for use in the promotion of educational futures in communities and places where there is educational disadvantage. An approach that builds ...Book -
Chapter 4, Challenging the myth that ‘the parents don’t care’: Family teachings about education for ‘educationally disengaged’ young people,
Published 2016-01-01This chapter focuses on families as sites of pedagogical work. We take up a focus on the pedagogical work of families in relation to formal education and educational exclusion. When describing families' pedagogical work ...Book chapter -
'Coming in mid-stream' A Report on Accelerated Entry Programs as a Social Inclusion Initiative: the BSW exemplar
Published 2019-06-25The report provides an evaluation of an accelerated entry program for the BSW at the University of Sydney. This program enables students who have successfully completed a TAFE Diploma in a related field, to enter the second ...Other -
Computational scientific inquiry with virtual worlds and agent-based models: new ways of doing science to learn science
Published 2015In this paper, we propose computational scientific inquiry (CSI) as an innovative model for learning important scientific knowledge and new practices for “doing” science. This approach involves the use of a “game-like” ...Preprint -
Contact and adoption plans for children adopted from out-of-home care in New South Wales
Published 2019-06-23In New South Wales (NSW), legislation prioritises open adoption over long-term foster care when restoration is not possible, and suitable kin or guardians cannot be found. The adoption application includes an adoption plan ...Article -
COVID-19 related retinal micro-vasculopathy - a review of current evidence
Published 2021PURPOSE: To evaluate the occurrence of retinal micro-vasculopathy in patients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and developed coronavirus disease (COVID-19). DESIGN: Systematic ...Article -
A criterion-based approach to oral feedback on thesis writing An analysis of supervisor and academic literacy advisor feedback
Published 2019-01-01Is oral feedback on thesis writing from supervisors and academic literacy advisors (ALA) based on writing criteria, such as the MASUS (Measuring the Academic Skills of University Students) criteria (Bonanno & Jones, 2007)? ...Article -
Designs for learning about climate change as a complex system
Published 2017This paper reports on a study in which students used agent-based computer models to learn about complex systems ideas of relevance to understanding climate change. The experimental condition used a Productive Failure (PF) ...Preprint