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dc.contributor.authorVonk, Warner
dc.contributor.authorHulleman, Rob
dc.identifier.citationInternational Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport – 2009 – Delft, The Netherlands – Thredbo 11en_AU
dc.descriptionWorkshop 4 System developmenten_AU
dc.description.abstractA research about the risks and the administrative measures during the management of a performance contract for the regular maintenance of rail infrastructure. In the sector of rail infrastructure output-contracts, in which the contractor is judged on achieved performances, are getting more in use. The assumption is that this will lead to a more efficient and innovative execution of the maintenance, because the parties involved in the contract have less contact and thus need to take more responsibilities for their proper tasks. Unknown however is how to manage such a contract: What are the risks a contracting partner is confronted with during the term of the contract and how could these risks be managed? This article will discuss a method that will provide answers to these questions. The method consists of a matrix of the possible risks and control measures that the management level of both the sourcing partner and the contractor should discuss. These are cooperation risks and not the safety and availability risks. Within HTM, the bus and tram company of The Hague, this method is used to give direction for a new maintenance contract. It was concluded that management based on performances not always means that contracting partner and contractor have less contact but that it resulted in another behavior and cooperation both for the contracting partner as the contracting party.en_AU
dc.description.sponsorshipInstitute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydneyen_AU
dc.rightsCopyright the University of Sydneyen
dc.title"It Takes Two To Tango", A Research About The Risks And Control Measures For The Management Of A Performance Contract For Regular Maintenance Of Rail Infrastructure.en_AU
dc.typeConference paperen_AU

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