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dc.contributor.authorMerkert, Rico
dc.contributor.authorBushell, James
dc.contributor.authorBeck, Matthew
dc.description.abstractIntegrated mobility aims to improve multimodal integration to make public transport an attractive alternative to private transport. This paper critically reviews extant literature and current public transport governance frameworks of both macro and micro transport operators. Our aim is to extent the concept of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS), a proposed coordination mechanism for public transport that in our view is yet to prove its commercial viability and general acceptance. Drawing from the airline experience, we propose that smart ticketing systems, providing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) can be extended with governance and operational processes that enhance their ability to facilitate Collaboration-as-a-Service (CaaS) to offer a reimagined MaaS 2.0 = CaaS + SaaS. Rather than using the traditional MaaS broker, CaaS incorporates operators more fully and utilises their commercial self-interest to deliver commercially viable and attractive integrated public transport solutions to consumers. This would also facilitate more collaboration of private sector operators into public transport with potentially new opportunities for taxi/rideshare/bikeshare operators and cross geographical transport providers (i.e. transnational multimodal operating companies) to integrate.en_AU
dc.subjectMobility-as-a-Service, Collaboration-as-a-Service, Smart ticketing systems, Integrated public transport, Transnational multimodal holding companiesen_AU
dc.titleCollaboration as a service (CaaS) to fully integrate public transportation – lessons from long distance travel to reimagine Mobility as a Serviceen_AU
dc.typeWorking Paperen_AU
dc.contributor.departmentInstitute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS)en_AU

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