      Ambiguity attitude, travel time uncertainty, subjective probability, source preference, socio-economic status, nonlinear mixed logit [1]
      Behavioural relevance, economic theory, welfare economics, process heuristics, context dependency, irrationality [1]
      bus rapid transit, branded bus services, performance index, normalisation, benchmarking, Australian urban services [1]
      Business location decisions, process strategies, stated heuristics, discrete choice models, stated choice experiment [1]
      commodity flows [1]
      commodity generation model [1]
      Cycling Policy; Australia-Japan comparison [1]
      Demand Responsive Transport; Sydney Public Transport; Land Passenger Transport [1]
      Experience, exogeneity, endogeneity, mode choice applications, choice elasticities, value of travel time, control function, experience model residuals, error components, multiple indicator solution, non-linear choice models, heteroscedastic conditioning [1]
      freight models [1]
      ITDP BRT standard; performance; system design; operations; ordered choice modelling; decision support [1]
      LNG-fueled shipping, inland waterway, green shipping, bunkering station choice, Belt and Road initiative [1]
      logit share model [1]
      MetroScan [1]
      Mobility as a service (MaaS), Intelligent mobility, Service delivery, Broker/aggregator, Public transport contract, Stated choice experiment, Willingness-to-pay [1]
      Mobility-as-a-Service, Collaboration-as-a-Service, Smart ticketing systems, Integrated public transport, Transnational multimodal holding companies [1]
      Network aggregation, zonal aggregation, decomposition methods, traffic assignment, multi-scale transport models [1]
      Network cooperation and competition; Hub-and-spoke network; Dog-bone network; International gateway hub; Demand uncertainty [1]
      New South Wales [1]
      Panic, irrationality, herding: Three ambiguous terms in crowd dynamics research [1]