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dc.contributor.authorBliemer, Michiel C .J.
dc.contributor.authorRaadsen, Mark P.H.
dc.identifier.issnISSN 1832-570X
dc.description.abstractThe kinematic wave theory is widely used to simulate traffic flows on road segments. Link transmission models are methods to find a solution to the kinematic wave model, however, their computational efficiency heavily relies on the shape of the fundamental diagram that is used as input. Despite the limitations and drawbacks of triangular and piecewise linear fundamental diagrams, they remain popular because they result in highly efficient algorithms. Using smooth nonlinear branches is often preferred in terms of realism and other desirable properties, but this comes at a significantly higher computational cost and requires time discretisation to find an approximate solution. In this paper we consider a nonlinear fundamental diagram as input and propose on-the-fly multi-step linearization techniques to simplify expansion fans. This leads to two simplified link transmission models that can be solved exactly in continuous time under the assumption of piecewise stationary travel demand. One of the models simplifies to shockwave theory in case of a single step. We show that embedding shockwave theory in the link transmission model allows for finding an exact solution in continuous time and we discuss the potential for the design of efficient event-based algorithms for general networks.en_AU
dc.subjectKinematic wave theoryen_AU
dc.subjectlink transmission modelen_AU
dc.subjectnonlinear concave fundamental diagramen_AU
dc.subjecton-the-fly linearizationen_AU
dc.subjectsimplified fanningen_AU
dc.subjectshockwave theoryen_AU
dc.titleContinuous-time general link transmission model with simplified fanning, Part I: Theory and link model formulationen_AU
dc.typeWorking Paperen_AU

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