Browsing ITLS Working Papers 2000 by publication year
Identifying the Overarching Logistics Strategy of Business Practices
Published 2000-02-01In a 'hyper competitive context’ (D'Aveni 1994), a major issue for enterprises is the strategic use of logistics capability to gain create and leverage value in the marketplace. Management is now appreciating that a logistics ...Working Paper -
The Absolute Need for Creativity in Transport Planning
Published 2000-02-01The transport planning process has often been characterised as consisting of a series of logical stages which lead towards the production of a final outcome. These stages include the identification of goals, the specification ...Working Paper -
Evaluation Methodologies for Transport Projects in the United Kingdom: Dealing with Multi-modal Questions
Published 2000-02-01This paper reviews the basic methodology for the evaluation of transport projects in the UK and explains the changes currently being undertaken. The paper identifies the key elements as a very rigorous economic evaluation ...Working Paper -
Do Mergers And Alliances Influence European Shipping And Port Competition?
Published 2000-02-01New horizontal and vertical integration agreements among the previously separate players in the international shipping and logistics industries are changing the characteristics of services and the structure of the industries. ...Working Paper -
Interorganizational Support and Strategies for the ASEAN Aviation Sector: An Application of Canonical Correlation Analysis
Published 2000-03-01The international and political bargaining process in the aviation sector is heavily influenced by the views of stakeholders, especially regulators, airlines and airport authorities. These views are diverse and often complex ...Working Paper -
An Inductive Empirical Investigation into Third Party Logistics Contracts
Published 2000-03-01We report an inductive, qualitative investigation into third party logistics contracts whose express purpose was to inform subsequent case study research into the same. A salient feature of the research is the methodology ...Working Paper -
The Use of Mixtures of Market and Experimental Choice Data in Establishing Guideline Weights for Evaluating Competitive Bids in a Transport Organisation
Published 2000-03-01The government sector is increasingly using competitive bidding for service deliveries such as the provision of bus and rail services as well as the purchasing of professional engineering services such as project planning, ...Working Paper -
Freight Logistics in the New Zealand Context
Published 2000-03-01It is well known that within an economic region, shippers’ practice of logistics is shaped significantly by various factors, such as transportation regulation. The precise purpose of this paper is to describe these factors ...Working Paper -
Assessing Data and Modeling Needs for Urban Transport Sector: An Australian Perspective
Published 2000-03-01Managing the transport assets of an urban economy and ensuring that change is in accordance with suitable performance measures requires continuing improvement in analytical power and empirical information. One crucial input ...Working Paper -
The Valuation of Travel Time Savings for Urban Car Drivers: Evaluating Alternative Model Specifications
Published 2000-03-01The empirical valuation of travel time savings is a derivative of the ratio of parameter estimates in a discrete choice model. The most common formulation (multinomial logit) imposes strong restrictions on the profile of ...Working Paper -
Combining Sources of Preference Data
Published 2000-07-01Mixtures of revealed preference and stated preference data are recognised by transportation researchers as offering a richness of behavioural input to travel choice modelling that is often absent from the isolated use of ...Working Paper -
Which Bus? Research on the Use and Comprehension of Public Transport Information
Published 2000-07-01This paper was prepared for the Disability and Ageing Department. The research addressed the following questions: • Where do people get the information they require to use bus services? • Can people easily comprehend ...Working Paper -
The Sensitivity of the Valuation of Travel Time Savings to the Specification of Unobserved Effects
Published 2000-07-01The behavioural value of travel time savings (VTTS) remains a controversial data item in the evaluation of transport projects. Over the last 40 years we have seen numerous empirical studies seeking to enrich our understanding ...Working Paper -
Measurement of Valuation of Travel Time Savings
Published 2000-07-01The value of travel time savings (VTTS) is a critical parameter in transport project appraisal and through its application produces the dominating user benefit, typically 60% of traditionally quantified user benefits. ...Working Paper -
Trip Chaining as a Barrier to the Propensity to use Public Transport
Published 2000-07-01Trip chaining is a growing phenomenon in travel and activity behaviour. Individuals increasingly seek out opportunities to minimise the amount of travel required as part of activity fulfilment, given the competing demands ...Working Paper -
Transport and Economic Growth
Published 2000-07-01There is a perceived wisdom that transport provision (especially of roads) is an essential pre-requisite for economic growth which has tended to justify a “predict and provide“ approach to the provision of roads. The ...Working Paper -
Public Transport Timetables and Vehicle Scheduling with Balanced Passenger Loads
Published 2000-07-01This work attempts to combine the creation of public transport timetables and vehicle scheduling so as to improve the correspondence of vehicle departure times with passenger demand while minimising the resources (the fleet ...Working Paper -
Behavioural Mechanisms of Non-Response in Mailback Travel Surveys
Published 2000-07-01In the conduct of sample surveys in transport, there will inevitably be some level of non-response. The issues of non-response are fundamentally connected to the questions of reducing survey bias and increasing the accuracy ...Working Paper