ITLS Working Papers 2011
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Embedding risk attitudes in a scheduling model: Application to the study of commuting departure time
Published 2011-01-01Traditionally, the value of travel time savings (VTTS) and the value of reliability (or reduced variability) are estimated within a linear utility functional form, which assumes risk-neutral attitudes for decision makers. ...Working Paper -
Travel time expenditures and travel time budgets - Preliminary findings
Published 2011-02-01There has been discussion now for four decades on the issue of whether or not people around the world have a constant traveltime budget. Most of the research into travel-time budgets has used large aggregate data sets and ...Working Paper -
Improved information for better land transport in our cities
Published 2011-11-01COAG’s Capital Cities Strategic Planning Process work is nearing completion. The COAG National Objective for this work is To ensure Australian cities are globally competitive, productive, sustainable, liveable and socially ...Working Paper -
Does the choice model method and/or the data matter?
Published 2011-07-01The opportunity to have seven data sets associated with a stated choice experiment that are very similar in content and design is rare, and provides an opportunity to look in detail at the empirical evidence within and ...Working Paper -
A correction framework for improving the robustness of motor vehicle registration data
Published 2011-01-01An important key to reducing the environmental impact of motor vehicles is to identify those in-services vehicles which are likely to excessively contribute to air pollution. Such an assessment is dependent on quantifying ...Working Paper