      Airline choice, stated choice experiments, information search, survey realism, online travel agent [1]
      Airline choice; stated choice experiment; information processing strategies; and survey realism [1]
      Boredom, driver behaviour, speed, cognitive capacity [1]
      Bus contracts, trusting partnerships, margins, tendering, negotiation, performance based contracts, asset ownership [1]
      Choice experiments, rational choice, sequence effects, referencing, reference revision, attribute processing, majority of confirming dimensions, evidential rules [1]
      Choice modelling, survey methods, stated preference, revealed preference [1]
      Direct petrol price elasticities, cars, random coefficient regression, data paradigms [1]
      Fixed assets; working capital; technology; new product development [1]
      GPS travel survey, travel mode, travel purpose, prompted recall survey [1]
      GPS, travel survey, mode, purpose, prompted recall survey [1]
      Household and personal travel, Sydney, travel time, travel cost, generalised cost, public transport, equity, car ownership costs [1]
      Induced travel, clearways, elasticities [1]
      Proxy response, stated choice experiment, willingness to pay, accuracy, preference estimation, sampling method, bias [1]
      Public infrastructure services; transport planning; investment; land use; location; sector analysis; economic development; World Bank; governance; institutional arrangements; control; pricing; decision making processes; dynamics; adaptation [1]
      Road Pricing, Political Acceptability, Sydney, Acceptability [1]
      Road safety; driving behaviour; financial rewards [1]
      Scale heterogeneity, taste heterogeneity, generalized mixed logit, commuting mode choice, stated choice experiment, elasticities [1]
      Short sea shipping, Australia, regulation, mode switching, maritime reform [1]
      Social exclusion, Mobility, Melbourne Survey, Ordered Logit [1]
      Travel surveys, transport, GPS applications, trip analysis [1]