      Attribute non-attendance, common-metric attributes aggregation, parameter transfer, latent class, stated choice, willingness to pay [1]
      Aviation, liberalization, European air carriers, Australian air carriers, Gulf State air carriers, operations, traffic rights, code shares, horizontal agreements, Asean [1]
      Boredom, driver behaviour, speed, cognitive capacity [1]
      Business models, “value”, value builders and value drivers, value chain networks, production economics, and, attribute based management and costing (ABMC) [1]
      Cash flow management, strategic and structural decisions, corporate value [1]
      Chinese culture, cognitive-speed path, organizational performance, social-political path, strategic decision making processes (SDM) [1]
      Climate change, road congestion, road pricing, transport infrastructure, transport planning. [1]
      Climate change; emission targets; fuel efficiency; mode share; public transport. [1]
      Commitment, organizational culture, organizational subculture, leadership, job satisfaction [1]
      Contracting, planning, reforms, trusting partnerships and social exclusion [1]
      Discrete location, competition, multinomial logit model, constant substitution patterns, flexible substitution patterns, simulation, parcel service provider [1]
      Experimental design, d-optimality, interactive agency, interdependent decision making, urban freight, road user charging [1]
      Heuristics and rules, common-metric attribute processing, parameter transfer, choice experiments, thresholds, asymmetry, willingness to pay, referencing, self-stated intentions, belief functions, plausibility [1]
      Hypothetical bias, willingness to pay, choice experiments, contingent valuation, contextual bias, referencing, revealed behaviour [1]
      JEL C68, D24, D58, Q43, Q54. Computable general equilibrium modelling, constant-elasticity-of-substitution production function, climate policy, marginal abatement cost. [1]
      Model averaging, experimental design, stated choice, statistical efficiency, sample size [1]
      Neighbourhood design; land-use; travel attitudes; multi-variate analysis [1]
      Ordered choice, heterogeneous thresholds, random parameters, stated choice designs, information processing, ignoring attributes [1]
      Petrol demand, passenger cars, forecasting models, greenhouse gas emissions, CO2, environmental policies, Tresis1.4 [1]
      Public infrastructure services; transport; energy; water; communications; sector analysis; economic development; World Bank; governance; institutional arrangements; control; pricing; decision making processes [1]