• Deducing mode and purpose from GPS data 

      Stopher, Peter; Clifford, Eoin; Zhang, Jun; FitzGerald, Camden
      Published 2008-04-01
      Over the past several years, there has been increasing interest in the use of Global Position System (GPS) devices as a means to measure people’s travel. These devices have been used quite widely to check the validity of ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Revealing the extent of process heterogeneity in choice analysis: An empirical assessment 

      Puckett, Sean; Hensher, David A.
      Published 2008-01-01
      Choice analysts increasingly use a mix of revealed preference and stated choice data paradigms to identify preferences of samples of individuals that are used to infer behavioural response and willingness to pay for specific ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Public private partnerships: A procurement device to manage public sector debt 

      Chung, Demi
      Published 2008-06-01
      Australian governments are amongst the leading advocates of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) as a public procurement policy. After two decades of experience, it is timely to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy. At ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Construction of experimental designs for mixed logit models allowing for correlation across choice observations 

      Bliemer, Michiel C.J.; Rose, John M.
      Published 2008-06-01
      In each stated choice (SC) survey, there is an underlying experimental design from which the hypothetical choice situations are determined. These designs are constructed by the analyst, with several different ways of ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • An annual time use model for vacation travel 

      LaMondia, Jeffrey; Bhat, Chandra R.; Hensher, David A.
      Published 2008-06-01
      Vacation travel constitutes about 25% of all long-distance travel, and about 80% of this vacation travel is undertaken using the automobile. This paper contributes to the vacation travel literature by examining how households ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper