      Bus rapid transit, comparative analysis, infrastructure costs, service levels [1]
      Cash flow management, strategic and structural decisions, corporate value [1]
      Congestion management, congestion, transport policy, road user charges [1]
      Dynamic business environment; demand chain analysis and management; response management [1]
      Elasticity, public transport, meta analysis, fares, invehicle time, headway, influences on direct elasticities [1]
      Freight data collection, commercial vehicle tours, GPS [1]
      Network systems; virtual organisations; value chains; logistics management [1]
      New economy; value chain management; new approaches to traditional decision making [1]
      Ordered choice, heterogeneous thresholds, random parameters, stated choice designs, information processing, ignoring attributes [1]
      Process heterogeneity, event description, stated choice, design complexity, relevance, subadditivity, packaging [1]
      Public private partnerships, social dynamic framework of interests, public procurement policy, Port Macquarie Base Hospital, Cross City Tunnel [1]
      Regional airports, low cost carriers, regular passenger transport, structural equation system, three stage least squares (3SLS) [1]
      Six sigma, performance management, safety culture, continuous improvement, DMAIC, injury rate [1]
      Stated choice designs; information processing; attribute addition; thresholds; willingness to pay [1]
      Stated choice, efficient experimental designs, nested logit, sample size [1]
      Stated choice, experimental design, D-efficiency, panel mixed logit [1]
      Stated choice; pivot designs; discrete choice [1]
      Travel surveys, GPS, GIS, trips, travel mode, trip purpose [1]
      Travel surveys, transport, GPS applications, trip analysis [1]
      Tresis1.1M, systemwide impacts, fuel prices, public transport, vehicle use, CO2 [1]