• Aggregation of common-metric attributes in preference revelation in choice experiments and implications for willingness to pay 

      Layton, David; Hensher, David A.
      Published 2008-09-01
      There is a growing literature that promotes the notion of process heterogeneity in the way that individuals evaluate packages of attributes in real or hypothetical markets and make choices. Empirical evidence suggests that ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • An annual time use model for vacation travel 

      LaMondia, Jeffrey; Bhat, Chandra R.; Hensher, David A.
      Published 2008-06-01
      Vacation travel constitutes about 25% of all long-distance travel, and about 80% of this vacation travel is undertaken using the automobile. This paper contributes to the vacation travel literature by examining how households ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Assessing systematic sources of variation in public transport elasticities: Some comparative warnings 

      Hensher, David A.
      Published 2008-01-01
      There is an extensive and continually growing body of empirical evidence on the sensitivity of potential and actual users of public transport to fare and service levels. The sources of the evidence are disparate in terms ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Bus rapid transit systems: A comparative assessment 

      Hensher, David A.; Golob, Thomas F
      Published 2008-04-01
      There is renewed interest in many developing and developed countries in finding ways of providing efficient and effective public transport that does not come with a high price tag. An increasing number of nations are asking ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Cash flow management and strategic responses that create corporate value: Some observations 

      Walters, David
      Published 2008-07-01
      The purpose of this paper is to explore the extent to which cash flow management, the value of the organisation, and strategic decision making are correlated. A cash flow model is proposed based upon four levels of strategy ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Commercial vehicle tour data collection using passive GPS technology: Issues and potential applications 

      Greaves, Stephen P; Figliozzi, Miguel A
      Published 2008-07-01
      In mid-2006 a GPS survey of commercial vehicles was piloted in Melbourne, Australia to support a major update of freight data and modelling capabilities in the metropolitan region. This survey marked the first of its kind ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Construction of experimental designs for mixed logit models allowing for correlation across choice observations 

      Bliemer, Michiel C.J.; Rose, John M.
      Published 2008-06-01
      In each stated choice (SC) survey, there is an underlying experimental design from which the hypothetical choice situations are determined. These designs are constructed by the analyst, with several different ways of ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Deducing mode and purpose from GPS data 

      Stopher, Peter; Clifford, Eoin; Zhang, Jun; FitzGerald, Camden
      Published 2008-04-01
      Over the past several years, there has been increasing interest in the use of Global Position System (GPS) devices as a means to measure people’s travel. These devices have been used quite widely to check the validity of ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • The demand chain and response management: New directions for operations management? 

      Walters, David; Rainbird, Mark
      Published 2008-07-01
      Supply chain management would appear to be at the end of its lifecycle. Customers of all types are expressing preferences based upon some degree of product-service differentiation and not simply on cost. The growing interest ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Determining trip information using GPS data 

      Clifford, Eoin; Zhang, Jun; Stopher, Peter
      Published 2009-01-01
      With the development of lightweight, high sensitivity Global Positioning System (GPS) devices, there has been increasing interest in their use as a means to measure people’s travel for travel surveys. Data-logging enables ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Efficient stated choice experiments for estimating nested logit models 

      Bliemer, Michiel C.J.; Rose, John M.; Hensher, David A.
      Published 2008-06-01
      The allocation of combinations of attribute levels to choice situations in stated choice (SC) experiments can have a significant influence upon the resulting study outputs once data is collected. Recently, a small but ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Emerging business models 

      Walters, David
      Published 2008-04-01
      Magretta (2002) suggests, using the example of American Express in the nineteenth century, that: " a successful business model represents a better way than the existing alternatives. It may offer more value to a discrete ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Managing congestion – Are we willing to pay the price? 

      Stopher, Peter; FitzGerald, Camden
      Published 2008-01-01
      A number of authors have written on the topic of congestion, both pointing out that it is not necessarily wholly undesirable, and also that it may not be susceptible to being reduced, let alone eliminated. Nevertheless, ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Ordered choices and heterogeneity in attribute processing 

      Greene, William H; Hensher, David A
      Published 2008-07-01
      A growing number of empirical studies involve the assessment of influences on a choice amongst ordered discrete alternatives. Ordered logit and probit models are well known, including extensions to accommodate random ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Public private partnerships: A procurement device to manage public sector debt 

      Chung, Demi
      Published 2008-06-01
      Australian governments are amongst the leading advocates of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) as a public procurement policy. After two decades of experience, it is timely to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy. At ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Regional airports and opportunities for low cost carriers in Australia 

      Collins, Andrew; Hensher, David A.; Li, Zheng
      Published 2008-07-01
      Australia is vitally dependent on aviation services for delivering passenger accessibility to many rural and remote locations. The majority of airports in Australia are regional airports. There are real opportunities for ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Response management: Strategic and operational considerations 

      Walters, David
      Published 2008-08-01
      The 21st century is well underway and already the future is becoming clear. The opportunities confronting business organisations include; new high added-value product-services, new business models, new approaches to ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Revealing the extent of process heterogeneity in choice analysis: An empirical assessment 

      Puckett, Sean; Hensher, David A.
      Published 2008-01-01
      Choice analysts increasingly use a mix of revealed preference and stated choice data paradigms to identify preferences of samples of individuals that are used to infer behavioural response and willingness to pay for specific ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Should reference alternatives in pivot design SC surveys be treated differently? 

      Hess, Stephane; Rose, John M.
      Published 2008-04-01
      Analysts are increasingly making use of pivot style Stated Choice (SC) data in the estimation of choice models. These datasets often contain a reference alternative whose attributes remain invariant across replications for ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • The six sigma approach in performance management to reduce injury rate at work 

      Jo Rhodes; Peter Lok; Abe Diamond; Nitin Bhatia
      Published 2008-10-01
      This case study uses the Six Sigma process framework in performance management to explore and improve the injury rate of an international waste disposal firm. The results indicate that an employee-management consensus ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper