Browsing ITLS Working Papers 2004 by title
Collecting Data with GPS: Those who reject, and those who receive
Published 2004-09-01Most surveys using GPS devices to collect data have focused on the device and its effectiveness for collecting reliable and accurate data. Another dimension to be considered with this form of data collection is whether the ...Working Paper -
The Design of Stated Choice Experiments: The State of Practice and Future Challenges
Published 2004-03-01Since the work of Louviere and Woodworth (1983) and Louviere and Hensher (1983), stated choice (SC) methods have become the dominant data paradigm in the study of behavioural responses of individuals and households as well ...Working Paper -
Dynamic Travel Demand for Emergency Evacuation: The Case of Bushfires
Published 2004-07-01There are two types of emergencies; those which can be anticipated and those that cannot. Among those that can be anticipated are such events as cyclones, floods, bush fires, and tsunamis. When such events are anticipated, ...Working Paper -
Estimating Eligibility Rates: A Crucial Component of the Calculation for Response Rates
Published 2004-04-01Response rates are used by analysts to assess survey quality: higher response rates are usually desired to reduce the incidence of non-response bias. The response rate is simply defined as the ratio of the number of completed ...Working Paper -
Evaluating Voluntary Travel Behaviour Interventions
Published 2004-07-01Considerable interest in the policy of voluntary travel behaviour change interventions, known as by the generic name of TravelSmart®, has emerged. Measuring its effectiveness and determining its cost-benefit ratios is a ...Working Paper -
Freight Distribution in Urban Areas: The role of supply chain alliances in addressing the challenge of traffic congestion for city logistics
Published 2004-02-01The distribution of freight is a major contributor to the levels of traffic congestion in cities, yet it is much neglected in the research and planning activities of government, where the focus is disproportionately on ...Working Paper -
GPS Surveys and the Internet
Published 2004-07-01ITS has been pioneering the use of GPS to provide more accurate data on where and when people travel, their routes, travel distance, and travel time. GPS provides no information on the number of people travelling together, ...Working Paper -
How do Respondents Handle Stated Choice Experiments? – Information processing strategies under varying information load
Published 2004-05-01The popularity of stated choice (SC) experiments has spurned a large number of design strategies within which to study choice behaviour. When the amount of information provided increases, we often wonder how an individual ...Working Paper -
Identifying the Influence of Stated Choice Design Dimensionality on Willingness to Pay for Travel Time Savings
Published 2004-04-01This paper explores the influence of the dimensions of stated choice (SC) designs on the value of travel time savings. Utilising principles of experimental design, 16 choice designs are embedded within a global design in ...Working Paper -
Information Processing Strategies in Stated Choice Studies: The Implications on Willingness to Pay of Respondents Ignoring Specific Attributes
Published 2004-01-01Individuals processing the information in a stated choice experiment are typically assumed to evaluate each and every attribute offered within and between alternatives and to choose their most preferred alternative. It has ...Working Paper -
Labour Pooling: Impacts on Capacity Planning
Published 2004-03-01Cross-training workers to perform multi-skilled jobs is one of the modern trends in job design. As companies engage in downsizing, the remaining workforce is expected to do more and different tasks. This paper presents a ...Working Paper -
Melbourne’s Public Transport Franchising: Lessons for PPPs
Published 2004-01-01The paper reviews the recent franchising of public transport services in Melbourne, Australia, to assess the extent to which the objectives of the franchising were achieved. The major franchisee has failed only a short ...Working Paper -
Monitoring Traffic and Emissions by Floating Car Data
Published 2004-03-01Intelligent traffic management is widely acknowledged as a means to optimise the utilisation of existing infrastructure capacities. A major requirement for intelligent traffic management is the collection of high quality ...Working Paper -
Monte Carlo Simulation of Sydney Household Travel Survey Data with Bayesian Updating using Different Local Sample Sizes
Published 2004-03-01There is increasing interest in the potential to simulate household travel survey data as an alternative to collecting large sample household travel surveys, or as a means to augment sample sizes, well beyond what can ...Working Paper -
New Technology and Travel Surveys: The Way Forward
Published 2004-04-01Traditional survey methods are fast reaching their “use by” dates. It is much harder for researchers to contact households through the telephone as a result of call screening and answering machine devices. In relation to ...Working Paper -
Performance Based Contracts
Published 2004-01-01The 90s saw a noticeable growth in the use of competitive tendering as a way of selecting bus operators to deliver a range of services that had previously been supplied by governments, mainly driven by pressures to reduce ...Working Paper -
A Review of the Procedures Associated with Devising Emergency Evacuation Plans
Published 2004-03-01The incidence of freak weather and geological events, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, has increased over the past thirty years. Coupled with an increase in the populations located in the path of these natural ...Working Paper -
Sample Size Requirements For Measuring a Change in Behaviour
Published 2004-08-01Before and after surveys are designed to detect a change in travel-behaviour following an intervention policy, such as a travel-modification program. Longitudinal panel surveys are the preferred method for detecting such ...Working Paper -
Standards for Household Travel Surveys-Some Proposals
Published 2004-06-01Rising costs of household travel surveys and the critical need for good quality data, has led to questions about how best to obtain a quality survey that provides data comparable to other household travel surveys. To provide ...Working Paper -
TRESIS (Transport and Environmental Strategy Impact Simulator): Application to a Case Study in NE Sydney
Published 2004-03-01This paper presents an integrated microsimulation urban passenger transport model system (TRESIS) for evaluating the impact of a large number of interrelated policy instruments on urban travel behavior and the environment. ...Working Paper