Browsing Honours Theses and Postgraduate Coursework by title
Achieving Justice and Seeking Truth: The Evolution of International Criminal Tribunals
Published 2013-01-01This thesis examines the way in which international criminal tribunals have changed and evolved over time, using the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former ...Thesis, Honours -
‘All sorts and conditions of men’: Beckett’s Budget, masculinity and sensational working-class journalism in inter-war Australia
Published 2011-01-01This thesis closely analyses John Sleeman’s sensational newspaper Beckett’s Budget, a notorious commercial and political publication in Sydney’s inter-war press market. It considers the paper’s role in working-class, ...Thesis, Honours -
The Anarcho-Syndicalist Platform for Indigenous Rights: A Trans-National study of Settler-colonialism, White Labourism and the International Worker‟s of the World in Australia and South Africa
Published 2011-01-01This thesis considers the legal stasis triggered by the 2007 "Northern Territory National Emergency Response‟ and suggests clarification can be found in the historical precedent of settler-colonialism. Through a trans-national ...Thesis, Honours -
The Anchor of Life: Triumphs and crises in the Australian wheat- growing, flour milling and bread industries from 1880- 1939.
Published 2013-01-01The scope of this thesis is Australia from the late nineteenth century to 1939, viewed through the lens of three interrelated industries – wheat-growing, flour-milling and bread-baking. Authoritative literature on wheat-growing ...Thesis, Honours -
Anti–Semitism and American Immigration Policy during the Holocaust : A reassessment
Published 2007-10-05Since the publication of David Wyman's seminal monograph on the American immigration policy during the Second World War— Paper Walls: America and the refugee crisis—the historiography has been framed by a fundamental ...Thesis, Honours -
AS GOOD AS AN ARMY: Mapping Smallpox during the Seven Years’ War in North America
Published 2011-01-01There is substantial evidence that smallpox was widespread in North American during the Seven Years’ War. However, there have been no attempts to determine the extent to which it occurred. This thesis will map outbreaks ...Thesis, Honours -
‘An Atmosphere of Uncertainty’ The Struggle Over Mormon Polygamy in 1850s Utah
Published 2012-11-01Historians have typically interpreted Mormon polygamy in nineteenth-century America through the lens of religious doctrine. This study takes a cultural approach and examines polygamous practice during its formative period ...Thesis, Honours -
Australia and the Palestine Question, 1947–1949: A New Interpretation
Published 2012-12-01By 1947, the conflicting national aspirations of the Arab majority and Jewish minority within Palestine had developed into an intractable problem. The responsibility for the political future of Palestine fell upon the ...Thesis, Honours -
The Australian National History Curriculum: Politics at Play
Published 2013-01-01In 2006, Prime Minister John Howard’s call for the root and renewal of Australian history initiated an ideologically driven process of developing an Australian national history curriculum which was completed by the Labor ...Thesis, Honours -
The Australian Post-War Utopia: Reconsidering Herbert Evatt’s human rights contribution in the 1940’s
Published 2012-11-01This thesis contests the assumption that Herbert Evatt’s 1940’s career was devoted to the promotion of a universal post-war human rights regime. As Australian Minister for External Affairs, Evatt developed an independent ...Thesis, Honours -
Balancing Binaries: Michelet, Woman and the Tightrope of History
Published 2012-11-01The Nineteenth Century romantic historian Jules Michelet remains one of the canons of French history and as such much has been written concerning both Michelet the man and his approach to history. This thesis seeks to ...Thesis, Honours -
“ Bold in the Senate House and Brave at War ” : Naval Officers in the House of Commons 1715 - 1815
Published 2007-10-17Between 1715 and 1815, 182 British naval officers sat in the House of Commons, a group hitherto unstudied in a systematic way. This thesis draws upon the work of the History of Parliament Trust to examine naval MPs’ ...Thesis, Honours -
Casement Contra Casement: Liberalism, Empire and the Radicalisation of the Tohought of Roger Casement
Published 2012-01-01THIS THESIS examines the political thought of Roger Casement (1864–1916). A knighted humanitarian imperialist famed for his exposure of widespread human rights atrocities in the Congo and Amazon, Casement was hanged for ...Thesis, Honours -
A Change in Cirumstance : Individual Responses to Colonial Life
Published 2008-01-22In order to understand how integral the European conception of property was to the first settlers of Australia, this thesis explores the everyday experience of five unique individuals from the colonial setting and their ...Thesis, Honours -
Chilly Relationships: The use of history and memory in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales.
Published 2011-01-01Jindabyne is a town that has undergone dramatic structural change over the past 60 years. From a small pastoral community, Jindabyne has grown to become a premier tourist destination due to its close proximity to New South ...Thesis, Honours -
"Contact - Wait Out": The Search for a Unique Australian Counterinsurgency.
Published 2021-03-02Between 1962 and 1972 Australia was involved in a counterinsurgency war in Vietnam. Counterinsurgencies emerged as the definitive style of warfare during the Cold War. Many prominent nations employed their own unique ...Thesis -
Contesting Corporal Punishment: Abolitionism, Transportation and the British Imperial Project
Published 2008-01-01Between the 1820s and the 1840s, anti-slavery ideas shaped debate about the treatment of convicts in the Australian penal colonies. This thesis investigates the impact of abolitionism on one key aspect of convict life: the ...Thesis, Honours -
Convict Geographies of Early Colonial Sydney
Published 2013-01-01The convict’s environmental, spatial and administrative knowledge of early colonial Sydney was far richer than is generally acknowledged. Not only were the convicts thinking and feeling individuals transported to a foreign ...Thesis, Honours -
Corruption in Evidence: Policing Starting- Price Betting in 1930s NSW
Published 2013-01-01This thesis analyses two Royal Commissions into the policing of SP bookmaking that the NSW government issued in 1936 and 1937. These Commissions provide a window into the social history of betting and policing, as well ...Thesis, Honours -
Crafting Fame: Praise and Exclusion in Fifteenth Century Florence
Published 2013-01-01This thesis examines the way that celebrated craftsmen from renaissance Florence were remembered selectively by fifteenth and sixteenth century chroniclers and biographers. With an emphasis on Filippo Brunelleschi, this ...Thesis, Honours