Browsing Research Publications and Outputs by publication year
Assessing the Impact of Rainfall Variability on Watertables in Irrigation Areas
Published 2001-01-01This report describes three different methods i.e. Quartiles, Deciles and a Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) of quantifying rainfall variability. The quartile and decile methods divide the data sets into discrete intervals ...Report, Technical -
Surface-Groundwater Iteraction Model of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (Development of the Hydrogeological Databases)
Published 2002-08-01This brief discussion paper documents key points arising from the Overseas Visit (24-28 June 2002) to the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) Joint Research Unit – Innovation in Montpellier, France1. The ...Report, Technical -
Assessing and Improving Positional Accuracy and its Effects on Areal Estimation at Coleambally Irrigation Area
Published 2004-01-01If management decisions are made with geospatial data that have not been assessed for positional accuracy, then debate about both methodologies of measurement and management decisions can occur. This debate, in part, can ...Report, Technical -
Cold Physiology At The Plant Level
Published 2005-01-01Low night temperatures during late January and early February coinciding with early pollen microspore (EPM) development of rice (Oryza sativa) is a major factor limiting productivity in the Riverina region of New South ...Other -
The Persistence of Pesticides in Floodwaters and How This is Influenced by Water Management and Layout
Published 2005-01-01The detection of pesticides in drainage water from rice in the MIA that frequently exceeded NSW Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for the protection of aquatic ecosystems led to rice growers with-holding water for ...Other -
Hydro-climatic and Economic Evaluation of Seasonal Climate Forecasts for Risk Based Irrigation Management
Published 2005-01-01This work is focused in the Murrumbidgee catchment to help understand the value of the seasonal forecasts to rice based cropping systems. The key activities of this project include: • An overview of water allocation in the ...Other -
Quantifying Climate and Management Impacts on Watertables and Soil Salinity (Summary)
Published 2005-01-01This report describes the development of a surface-groundwater interaction model for the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (MIA), situated in New South Wales, about 600 km west of Sydney and 900 km east of Adelaide. The MIA ...Other -
A Strategic Soil Nitrogen Test For Flooded Rice
Published 2005-01-01From 1998 until 2002 a project to develop a soil nitrogen (N) test for flooded rice was conducted in the Rice CRC. The reason for wanting such a test for the Australian rice industry is that N fertiliser is used more ...Other -
Integration of 1401 Graduate Studies (Groundwater Management for Sustainable Farming Systems)
Published 2005-01-01This report presents the integration of research studies carried out by the graduate students at UTS and UNSW as part of the CRC for Sustainable Rice Production Graduate Studies Program. It evaluates the methodologies and ...Other -
Quantifying and Maximising the Benefits of Crops After Rice
Published 2005-01-01At the time this project was conceived, rising watertables and subsequent salinisation were considered to be the major threats to the sustainability of irrigated agriculture in the rice growing areas of southern NSW. The ...Other -
Modelling the Fate of Molinate in Rice Paddies of South Eastern Australia Using RICEWG
Published 2005-06-22Contamination of drainage channels and creeks with pesticides used in rice production is of concern in south eastern Australia. Of major concern is the herbicide molinate that is detected in over 25% of water samples. This ...Other -
Optimising Agronomic Options at the Farm Scale. Draft Final Report
Published 2005-10-18Strategic planning and policy development for environmentally sustainable and economically viable management options for the rice based farming systems require the assessment of management options using mathematical models ...Working Paper -
A GIS Approach to Quantify Impact of Flooding on Shallow Groundwater Levels in the Wakool Irrigation District - Final Draft
Published 2005-10-19Environmental degradation associated with shallow saline watertables is a major threat to the sustainability of agricultural industry throughout the Murray-Darling Basin. Located in the western part of the Murray Valley ...Other -
Salinity Research Workshop Report
Published 2005-10-19The CRC for Sustainable Rice Production Management Committee questioned whether the CRC Strategic Plan sufficiently addressed the problem of salinity, (and whether the current portfolio of salinity-related research projects ...Other -
Simulation of Yield and Environmental Impacts of Wheat after Rice in Bangladesh and Australia
Published 2005-10-19CERES-wheat and SWAGMAN Destiny models, respectively, were used to estimate the optimum time of sowing, and trade-off between yield and net recharge of the watertable, for wheat grown after rice in northern Bangladesh and ...Other -
Water Quality Study Tour
Published 2005-10-19The major rice growing regions of North Eastern Argentina, South Brazil and Uruguay were visited in association with RIRDC between 2/3/03 - 9/3/03. Currently, drainage water quality from agriculture does not appear to be ...Other -
Researching Solutions to the Sustainability and Environmental Challenges for Rice-based Cropping Systems in Southern Australia
Published 2005-10-19The major threat to the sustainability of irrigated agriculture in the rice growing regions of the southern Australia is secondary salinisation as a result of rising watertables. Rice growing contributes about half of the ...Other -
Rice CRC Water Quality Workshop Report
Published 2005-10-19The strategic plan of the Rice CRC includes an objective to develop systems which minimise pesticide residue levels in soils and waterways in rice based systems. During the first three years of the CRC there was only a ...Other -
Modeling Irrigated Cropping systems with Special Attention to Rice Wheat Sequences and Rice Bed Planting
Published 2005-10-20The rice-wheat cropping systems of the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) are of immense importance for food security for south Asia. Over the past 40 years the increase in rice and wheat production has kept pace with population ...Report, Technical -
Improving the Water Use Efficiency of Rice - Final Report
Published 2005-10-20The cost of irrigation water accounts for 20-30% of the total variable costs of rice production in the Murrumbidgee and Murray Valleys. Rice production consumes a substantial proportion of the available supply of irrigation ...Other