• Mirroring Sherry Turkle: a discussion on authenticity humanity and technology. 

      Jefferies, Janis; Maragiannis, Anastasios; Pitsillides, Stacey; Velonaki, Mari
      Published 2013-01-01
      This paper expresses a reflective approach to the themes and issues surrounding Sherry Turkle's new book, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. This can be seen as the culmination of ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Maps of time: exploring the rhythms of a mediated world. 

      French, Michaela; Gazzard, Alison
      Published 2013-01-01
      Rhythm is a fundamental part of the human experience of place. Traditional mapping, in its translation to the page, prioritises space over time, frequently removing the cyclical rhythms inherent in the experience of landscape ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Lifemirror. 

      Case, Oliver
      Published 2013-01-01
      Crowdsourced filmmaking is still largely unexplored as a creative process and as a social phenomenon. In recent months it has started to spread rapidly throughout the arts community as a cheaper and more democratic mode ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Orangutan play on and beyond a touchscreen. 

      Wirman, Hanna
      Published 2013-01-01
      Non-humans in captivity require enrichment, which often takes the form of play. Over the course of past decades, various technologies have been introduced in zoos around the world to support captive animals' wellbeing. ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Plasticity: noise, correlation and interaction. 

      Matthias, John
      Published 2013-01-01
      This paper introduces the interactive and performative installation artwork, Plasticity (Jane Grant, John Matthias, Nick Ryan and Kin) and its software engine the Neurogranular Sampler via a journey through the synchronized ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Making worlds in art and science fiction. 

      Barikin, Amelia
      Published 2013-01-01
      Why do some artists make worlds while others make works? This article considers the renewed attention to world-making as a key trope in contemporary artistic practice in relation to the world-making tactics of science ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Forget the flâneur 

      McGarrigle, Conor
      Published 2013-01-01
      This paper discusses the connections between the ‘flâneur’, Baudelaire's symbol of modernity, the anonymous man on the streets of nineteenth century Paris, and his contemporary digital incarnation, the ‘cyberflâneur’. It ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Diy DNA visualization: a preliminary method. 

      Clunn, Rebecca
      Published 2013-01-01
      The findings presented in this paper are the result of research from the work "ONE: a durational perfor-mance by Rebecca Cunningham and all of you" wherein the artist creates a bio-portrait and symphony from the DNA of one ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Evaluation in public art: the Light Logic exhibition. 

      Candy, Linda; Edmonds, Ernest; Alarcón, Ximena; Smith, Sophy
      Published 2013-01-01
      This paper discusses evaluation in the context of public art and specifically of interactive digital art. The study reported is of 'Light Logic', an exhibition of retrospective and current drawings, paintings and interactive ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Data ecologies: Laika’s Dérive and datawork. 

      Waterson, Sarah
      Published 2013-01-01
      Today the affordances of contemporary data representations and presentations allow for the reading of complex relational works, which I am classifying as data ecologies. Data ecologies can be performed with and across ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Medium-specificity and sociality in expanded cinema re-enactment. 

      Ihlein, Lucas
      Published 2013-01-01
      In this short paper, I introduce the work of the artist group Teaching and Learning Cinema, which re-enacts Expanded Cinema artworks from the 1960s and 70s. I make a connection between sociality (which binds together artists ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Large screens and the transnational public sphere. 

      Papastergiadis, Nikos; McQuire, Scott; Cmielewski, Cecelia; Barikin, Amelia; Yue, Audrey; Gibson, Ross; Cmielewski, Leon; Jones, Matt; Gu, Xin
      Published 2013-01-01
      This paper is based on an ARC Linkage grant on the use of large screens as communication platform for an experimental transnational public sphere. The project involves linking large screens in Melbourne and Seoul for three ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Biting machine, a performance art experiment in human-robot interaction. 

      Granjon, Paul
      Published 2013-01-01
      The author is a performance and visual artist whose interest lies in the co-evolution of humans and machines, a subject he explores with self-made machines. The paper describes the aims, method, and context of Biting ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Celebra. 

      Laurenzo, Tomas; Clark, Christian
      Published 2013-01-01
      In this paper we present Celebra, a massive, site-specific, interactive installation comprising two hundred balloons, LEDs, custom electronics, and custom software. The artwork allows for different interaction modes: ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Exploring the responsive site: Ko Maungawhau ki runga. 

      Wright, Rewa
      Published 2013-01-01
      Ko Maungawhau ki runga is a performative research project by the author on the site of a former 17th century Maori Pa (fortified village) in Auckland, New Zealand. It is a subset of the long-term project 'Do we see in ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Green's art: new media aesthetics in pre- and post- election events in Iran. 

      Ansari, Amin
      Published 2013-01-01
      Digital media has played a very significant role in anti-government protests in the Middle East (in Iran, Egypt, Syria and so on) over the last four years It has changed the rules of political struggle and established new ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Hidden topology of life: life and space. 

      Hoffmann-Dietrich, Joanna
      Published 2013-01-01
      Taking into account a variety of contemporary definitions of life, I propose to focus on relations between complex systems of life processes and the evolution of our perception and concepts of space. My investigations are ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • Explorations of ecological autarky in art, design and science. 

      Nigten, Anne; Van Dartel, Michel
      Published 2013-01-01
      While the notion of autarky is often contested in terms of feasibility and desirability, art and design projects that deal with autarky seem to highlight the positive socio-cultural and ecological effects of autarkic living. ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • From coexistence to interaction: influences between the virtual and the real in augmented reality. 

      Schraffenberger, Hanna; Van der Heide, Edwin
      Published 2013-01-01
      This paper examines the interaction and influences between the virtual and the real in Augmented Reality (AR). We explore how real objects can affect virtual objects and vice versa. Our work is based on heoretical ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper
    • The dynamics of collaborative resistance: negotiating the methodological incongruities of art, cultural theory, science and design. 

      Hudson, Kirsten; Ben-Ary, Guy; Lawson, Mark; Hodgetts, Stuart
      Published 2013-01-01
      This paper reflectively explores how the collaborative team behind in potēntia critically and creatively embraces the methodological dialectics that occur when trying to accommodate the different disciplinary approaches ...
      Open Access
      Conference paper