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dc.contributor.authorSukovic, Suzana
dc.identifier.citationSukovic, S. (2011), ‘Strategically creative: A case of the library planning process’, Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, 8: 3, pp. 261–279, doi: 10.1386/otsc.8.3.261_1en_AU
dc.description.abstractBest planning day ever, green, fun, play, flexible ... are terms not usually associated with strategic planning. At the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), plans to open a new library building in 2016 have ignited discussions about the library of the future, its meaning and role in a digital world, and the implications of further rapid changes. The Library's strategic planning process in 2010 was an opportunity to take the collective energy further by involving library staff in the strategic thinking and planning. The process aimed to provide conditions for open conversation through Gadamerian play, and creative modelling based on ideas of revealing and imagineering. The planning started with a playful engagement to generate ideas and promote divergent thinking, and moved through several stages of increasingly convergent thinking to arrive at strategic actions, which were created and supported by all participants. The formal goals of strategic planning were maintained throughout the process and resulted in a client-focused annual plan. This article considers issues of organizational creativity and strategic planning, and relates them to experiences with the strategic planning at the UTS Library. It argues for a systematic approach to fostering creativity and innovation in libraries.en_AU
dc.publisherJournal of Organisational Transformation and Social Changeen_AU
dc.subjectacademic librariesen_AU
dc.subjectstrategic planningen_AU
dc.titleStrategically creative: A case of the library planning processen_AU
dc.subject.asrcFoR::080706 - Librarianshipen_AU
dc.subject.asrcFoR::150312 - Organisational Planning and Managementen_AU
dc.type.pubtypePublisher's versionen_AU

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