• Bayesian time-varying quantile forecasting for Value-at-Risk in financial markets 

      Gerlach, Richard; Chen, Cathy W.S.; Chan, Nancy Y. C.
      Published 2009-08-01
      Recently, Bayesian solutions to the quantile regression problem, via the likelihood of a Skewed-Laplace distribution, have been proposed. These approaches are extended and applied to a family of dynamic conditional ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Survival Analysis for Credit Scoring: Incidence and Latency 

      Watkins, John; Vasnev, Andrey; Gerlach, Richard
      Published 2009-11-01
      Duration analysis is an analytical tool for time-to-event data that has been borrowed from medicine and engineering to be applied by econometricians to investigate typical economic and finance problems. In applications to ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Mixed strategies in discriminatory divisible-good auctions 

      Anderson, E.J.; Holmberg, P.; Philpott, A.B.
      Published 2009-11-01
      Using the concept of market-distribution functions, we derive general optimality conditions for discriminatory divisible-good auctions, which are also applicable to Bertrand games and non-linear pricing. We introduce the ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Estimating Value At Risk 

      Lu, Zudi; Huang, Hai; Gerlach, Richard
      Published 2010-01-01
      Significantly driven by JP Morgan's RiskMetrics system with EWMA (exponentially weighted moving average) forecasting technique, value-at-risk (VaR) has turned to be a popular measure of the degree of various risks in ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Portfolio Margining: Strategy vs Risk 

      Coffman, E.G. Jr; Matsypura, D.; Timkovsky, V.G.
      Published 2010-03-01
      This paper presents the results of a novel mathematical and experimental analysis of two approaches to margining customer accounts, strategy-based and risk-based. Building combinatorial models of hedging mechanisms of these ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Combinatorics of Option Spreads: The Margining Aspect 

      Matsypura, D.; Timkovsky, V.G.
      Published 2010-07-01
      In December 2005, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approved margin rules for complex option spreads with 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 legs. Only option spreads with 2, 3 or 4 legs were recognized before. Taking ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Margining Option Portfolios by Network Flows 

      Matsypura, D.; Timkovsky, V.G.
      Published 2010-09-01
      As shown in [Rudd and Schroeder, 1982], the problem of margining option portfolios where option spreads with two legs are used for offsetting can be solved in polynomial time by network flow algorithms. However, spreads ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • The Two-sided Weibull Distribution and Forecasting Financial Tail Risk 

      Gerlach, Richard; Chen, Qian
      Published 2011-01-01
      A two-sided Weibull is developed to model the conditional financial return distribution, for the purpose of forecasting Value at Risk (VaR) and conditional VaR. A range of conditional return distributions are combined with ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Australian Residential Housing Market & Hedonic Construction of House Price Indices for Metropolitan 

      Knight, Eva; Cottet, Remy
      Published 2011-02-01
      A Semiparametric spatial model is used as it allows nonlinear estimation of both mean and variance. A Bayesian approach is used for inference via a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling scheme. A distinct advantage of using ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Bayesian Forecasting for Financial Risk Management, Pre and Post the Global Financial Crisis 

      Gerlach, Richard; Chen, Cathy W.S.; Lin, Edward M.H.; Lee, Wcw
      Published 2011-03-01
      Value-at-Risk (VaR) forecasting via a computational Bayesian framework is considered. A range of parametric models are compared, including standard, threshold nonlinear and Markov switching GARCH specifications, plus ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Supply Function Equilibria Always Exist 

      Anderson, Edward
      Published 2011-04-01
      Supply function equilibria are used in the analysis of divisible good auctions with a large number of identical objects to be sold or bought. An important example occurs in wholesale electricity markets. Despite the ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Forecast combination for discrete choice models: predicting FOMC monetary policy decisions 

      Pauwels, Laurent; Vasnev, Andrey
      Published 2011-06-01
      This paper provides a methodology for combining forecasts based on several discrete choice models. This is achieved primarily by combining one-step-ahead probability forecast associated with each model. The paper applies ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Convergent learning algorithms for potential games with unknown noisy rewards 

      Chapman, Archie C.; Leslie, David S.; Rogers, Alex; Jennings, Nicholas R.
      Published 2011-08-01
      In this paper, we address the problem of convergence to Nash equilibria in games with rewards that are initially unknown and which must be estimated over time from noisy observations. These games arise in many real-world ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Ranking games and gambling: When to quit when you're ahead 

      Anderson, E.J.
      Published 2011-08-01
      It is common for rewards to be given on the basis of a rank ordering, so that relative performance amongst a cohort is the criterion. In this paper we formulate an equilibrium model in which an agent makes successive ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Stochastic trends and seasonality in economic time series: new evidence from Bayesian stochastic model specification search 

      Proietti, Tommaso; Grassi, Stefano
      Published 2011-09-01
      An important issue in modelling economic time series is whether key unobserved components representing trends, seasonality and calendar components, are deterministic or evolutive. We address it by applying a recently ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Do External Political Pressures Affect the Renminbi Exchange Rate? 

      Pauwels, Laurent; Liu, Li-Gang
      Published 2011-09-01
      This paper investigates whether external political pressure for faster renminbi (RMB) appreciation affect both the daily returns and the conditional volatility of the RMB central parity rate. We construct several political ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Does the Box-Cox transformation help in forecasting macroeconomic time series? 

      Proietti, Tommaso; Lütkepohl, Helmut
      Published 2011-10-01
      The paper investigates whether transforming a time series leads to an improvement in forecasting accuracy. The class of transformations that is considered is the Box-Cox power transformation, which applies to series measured ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • The Multistep Beveridge-Nelson Decomposition 

      Proietti, Tommaso
      Published 2011-10-01
      The Beveridge-Nelson decomposition defines the trend component in terms of the eventual forecast function, as the value the series would take if it were on its long-run path. The paper introduces the multistep Beveridge-Nelson ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Bayesian Semi-parametric Expected Shortfall Forecasting in Financial Markets 

      Gerlach, Richard; Chen, Cathy W.S.; Lin, Liou-Yan
      Published 2012-01-01
      Bayesian semi-parametric estimation has proven effective for quantile estimation in general and specifically in financial Value at Risk forecasting. Expected short-fall is a competing tail risk measure, involving a conditional ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Maximum likelihood estimation of time series models: the Kalman filter and beyond 

      Proietti, Tommaso; Luati, Alessandra
      Published 2012-05-01
      The purpose of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive treatment of likelihood inference for state space models. These are a class of time series models relating an observable time series to quantities called states, ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper