Browsing Research Publications and Outputs by publication year
Finite Element Analysis of Plastic Bending of Cold-Formed Rectangular Hollow Section Beams (No. R792)
Published 1999-01-01This report describes the finite element analysis of rectangular hollow section (RHS) beams, to simulate a series of bending tests. The finite element program ABAQUS was used for the analysis. The main aims of the analysis ...Report, Research -
Tests of Cold-Formed Rectangular Hollow Section Portal Frames (No. R783)
Published 1999-01-01This report describes tests on three large scale portal frames manufactured from cold-formed RHS in both Grade C350 and Grade C450 steel. The loading simulated gravity and wind loads. The connections, lateral restraint ...Report, Research -
Strength of Fillet Welded Connections in G450 Sheet Steels (No. R802)
Published 2000-01-01This paper investigates the reliability of the existing design equations specified in AS/NZS 4600:1996 for fillet welded connections in cold-reduced high-strength G450 sheet steels. The existing design equations are adapted ...Report, Research -
Effects of Wind-Induced Building Motion on Cognitive Performance (No. R804)
Published 2000-01-01Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of wind-induced building motion on cognitive performance. This was done with particular reference to determining whether there was a decrement in ...Report, Research -
Field Experiments to Investigate Occupant Perception and Tolerance of Wind-Induced Building Motion (No. R803)
Published 2000-01-01Field measurements were conducted at three control towers to determine occupant reaction to wind-induced building motion. The towers used were Brisbane Airport Control Tower, Sydney Airport Control Tower and the Port ...Report, Research -
Second Order Moments in Torsion Members (No. R800)
Published 2000-01-01This paper is concerned with the elastic flexural buckling of structural members under torsion, and with second-order moments in torsion members. Previous research is reviewed, and the energy method of predicting elastic ...Report, Research -
Compression Tests of DuraGal Angles Loaded Parallel With a Leg (No. R799)
Published 2000-01-01This report presents the results of 11 compression tests performed on cold-Formed, inline galvanised, slender 50x50x2.5 DuraGal equal angles. The angles were tested between pinned ends and loaded axially with eccentric ...Report, Research -
Bending, Shear and Torsion Capacities of Steel Angle Sections (No. R810)
Published 2001-01-01Steel angle sections are commonly used as beams to support distributed loads which cause biaxial bending and torsion. However, many design codes do not have any design rules for torsion, while some recommendations are ...Report, Research -
Deep Penetration of Strip and Circular Footings into Layered Clays (No. R807)
Published 2001-01-01The bearing behaviour of footings on layered soils has received significant attention from researchers, but most of the reported studies are limited to footings resting on the surface of the soil and are based on the ...Report, Research -
Full-range Stress-strain Curves for Stainless Steel Alloys (No. R811)
Published 2001-01-01The report develops an expression for the stress-strain curves for stainless steel alloys which is valid over the full strain range. The expression is useful for the design and numerical modelling of stainless steel members ...Report, Research -
Moment Capacities of Steel Angle Sections (No. R809)
Published 2001-01-01Steel angle sections are commonly used as beams to support distributed loads which cause biaxial bending and torsion. However, the recommendations of many design codes are unnecessarily conservative when applied to the ...Report, Research -
Strength of Fillet and Flare-Bevel Welded Connections in 2.5 mm Duragal Angle Sections (No. R805)
Published 2001-01-01This report presents the laboratory test results on fillet and flare-bevel welded truss connections in 5 50× 50× 2. DuraGal® angle sections. The arc welded connections between the DuraGal® sections and 10-mm hot-rolled ...Report, Research -
Three-Dimensional Non-Conforming Element (No. R808)
Published 2001-01-01The performance of three-dimensional hexahedral elements has been compared in this study. The standard quadratic 20-noded hexahedral element has shown robust performance in many applications, however, it has a high number ...Report, Research -
Strength of Flare-Bevel and Flare-Vee Welded Connections in G450 Sheet Steels (No. R806)
Published 2001-01-01This paper investigates the reliability of the existing design equations specified in AS/NZS 4600:1996 for flare-bevel and flare-vee welded connections in cold-reduced high-strength G450 sheet steels. The existing design ...Report, Research -
Buckling Analysis Design of Steel Frames (No. R891)
Published 2008-01-01Steel design codes do not provide sufficient information for the efficient design of steel structures against out-of-plane failure, and what is provided is often overly conservative. The method of design by buckling ...Report, Research -
Numerical Investigation and Design Methods for Stainless Steel Columns failing by Interaction of Local and Overall Buckling (No, R888)
Published 2008-01-01This report describes research carried out at the University of Sydney to study the interaction of local and overall buckling in stainless steel compression members. A finite element model was developed taking into account ...Report, Research -
Shear Buckling of Thin-Walled Channel Section with Intermediate Web Stifffener (No. R892)
Published 2008-01-01The elastic buckling stress of the web of a thin-walled section member in shear is generally improved by the presence of flange and lips. However, for webs with relatively large depth-to-thickness ratios, the local buckling ...Report, Research -
Scaffold Cuplok Joint Tests (No. R893)
Published 2008-01-01This report describes the setup, procedure, and results of scaffold Cuplok joint tests. The aims of the tests are to investigate the joint stiffness for rotations about vertical and horizontal axes in various joint ...Report, Research -
Design of Steel Equal Angle Lintels (No. R890)
Published 2008-01-01Single equal angle steel beams are often used as lintels to support eccentric loading acting normal to one flange. This loading causes combined biaxial bending and torsion, which is not allowed for in most steel design ...Report, Research -
Experimental Study of High Strength Cold-Formed Stiffened Web Steel Sections (No. R889)
Published 2008-01-01High strength cold-formed steel sections are commonly used in a variety of applications including residential construction. These steel sections typically have a nominal yield stress of 550 MPa and the use of such high ...Report, Research