• Money doesn’t make the world go round: Angkor’s non-monetisation 

      Lustig, Eileen
      Published 2009-01-01
      It has been observed that, in contrast to other Asian and Southeast Asian polities, there are no records of monetary transactions in Angkor's 6th–14th century inscriptions, and no reference to a unit of account after the ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Archaeological Fish Bone Images Archive Tables 

      Colley, Sarah
      Published 2010-06-18
      Tables (List of Fishes, Fish Taxon Names and Codes, Fish Anatomy Names and Codes and '1880s NSW Fisheries Commission Information'), data indexes and explanation of data relationships. Part of the 'Archaeological Fish-Bone ...
      Open Access
    • Capturing Archaeological Performance on Digital Video: Implications for Teaching and Learning Archaeology 

      Colley, Sarah; Gibbs, Martin
      Published 2012-09-21
      In 2009 we produced a series of edited video clips to demonstrate practical methods to archaeology students at the University of Sydney in Australia. The videos were made publicly accessible via YouTube and incorporated ...
      Open Access
      Article, Letter
    • Mutable spaces and unseen places: A study of access, communication and spatial control in households at Early Iron Age (EIA) Zagora on Andros 

      Mann, Kristen Patricia
      Published 2015-01-01
      This paper explores household spatiality using excavated household data from the Early Iron Age settlement of Zagora on Andros, in Greece. The site has extensive household remains, undisturbed by subsequent occupation, ...
      Open Access
    • The Jarash City Walls Project: Excavations 2001 – 2003: Final Report 

      Kehrberg-Ostrasz, Ina; Manley, John
      Published 2019-01-01
      This final report is a straight forward account of the excavation findings per season and the summation of the research results directly related to the finds. This report, therefore, does not provide updated scholarly ...
      Open Access
    • Persians in Attic Ceramic Catalogue 

      Miller, Margaret
      Published 2019-12-19
      The Catalogue, of 128 items, was prepared as part of my book project entitled Representing Persians in Attic Arts. Many of the items have been known and studied for their historical interest since the early 19th century. ...
      Open Access
    • New evidence for the transcontinental spread of early faience 

      Wang, Yingzhu; Rehren, Thilo; Tan, Yuchen; Cong, Dexin; Jia, Peter Weiming; Henderson, Julian; Ma, Hongjiao; Betts, Alison; Chen, Kunlong
      Published 2020-01-01
      This paper presents compositional results for six faience beads from Adunqiaolu, an Early Bronze Age site in western Xinjiang, China. It is shown that all analysed samples were made of mixed-alkali flux with sodium oxide ...
    • Palaeogenomic analysis of black rat (Rattus rattus) reveals multiple European introductions associated with human economic history 

      Yu, He; Jamieson, Alexandra; Hulme-Beaman, Ardern; Conroy, Chris J.; Knight, Becky; Speller, Camilla; Al-Jarah, Hiba; Eager, Heidi; Trinks, Alexandra; Adikari, Gamini; Baron, Henriette; Böhlendorf-Arslan, Beate; Bohingamuwa, Wijerathne; Crowther, Alison; Cucchi, Thomas; Esser, Kinie; Fleisher, Jeffrey; Gidney, Louisa; Gladilina, Elena; Gol’din, Pavel; Goodman, Steven M.; Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila; Helm, Richard; Hillman, Chris; Kallala, Nabil; Kivikero, Hanna; Kovács, Zsófia E.; Kunst, Günther Karl; Kyselý, René; Linderholm, Anna; Maraoui-Telmini, Bouthéina; Morales-Muñiz, Arturo; Nabais, Mariana; O'Connor, Terry; Oueslati, Tarek; Morales, Eréndira M. Quintana; Pasda, Kerstin; Perera, Jude; Perera, Nimal; Radbauer, Silvia; Ramon, Joan; Rannamäe, Eve; Grego, Joan Sanmartí; Treasure, Edward; Valenzuela-Lamas, Silvia; van der Jagt, Inge; Van Neer, Wim; Vigne, Jean-Denis; Walker, Thomas; Wynne-Jones, Stephanie; Zeiler, Jørn; Dobney, Keith; Boivin, Nicole; Searle, Jeremy B.; Krause-Kyora, Ben; Krause, Johannes; Larson, Greger; Orton, David
      Published 2021
      Abstract The distribution of the black rat ( Rattus rattus ) has been heavily influenced by its association with humans. The dispersal history of this non-native commensal rodent across Europe, however, remains poorly ...
    • Instagram as a tool for archaeological science communication 

      Caspari, Gino
      Published 2022
      With the accelerated growth the social media platform Instagram has seen over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic its potential as a tool for communicating archaeological science is becoming ever more apparent. The platforms' ...
    • After the Revolution: A Review of 3D Modelling as a Tool for Stone Artefact Analysis 

      Wyatt-Spratt, Simon
      Published 2022
      With over 200 peer-reviewed papers published over the last 20 years, 3D modelling is no longer a gimmick but an established and increasingly common analytical tool for stone artefact analysis. Laser and structured light ...
      Open Access