Recent Submissions

  • After the Revolution: A Review of 3D Modelling as a Tool for Stone Artefact Analysis 

    Wyatt-Spratt, Simon
    Published 2022
    With over 200 peer-reviewed papers published over the last 20 years, 3D modelling is no longer a gimmick but an established and increasingly common analytical tool for stone artefact analysis. Laser and structured light ...
    Open Access
  • Instagram as a tool for archaeological science communication 

    Caspari, Gino
    Published 2022
    With the accelerated growth the social media platform Instagram has seen over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic its potential as a tool for communicating archaeological science is becoming ever more apparent. The platforms' ...
  • Palaeogenomic analysis of black rat (Rattus rattus) reveals multiple European introductions associated with human economic history 

    Yu, He; Jamieson, Alexandra; Hulme-Beaman, Ardern; Conroy, Chris J.; Knight, Becky; Speller, Camilla; Al-Jarah, Hiba; Eager, Heidi; Trinks, Alexandra; Adikari, Gamini; Baron, Henriette; Böhlendorf-Arslan, Beate; Bohingamuwa, Wijerathne; Crowther, Alison; Cucchi, Thomas; Esser, Kinie; Fleisher, Jeffrey; Gidney, Louisa; Gladilina, Elena; Gol’din, Pavel; Goodman, Steven M.; Hamilton-Dyer, Sheila; Helm, Richard; Hillman, Chris; Kallala, Nabil; Kivikero, Hanna; Kovács, Zsófia E.; Kunst, Günther Karl; Kyselý, René; Linderholm, Anna; Maraoui-Telmini, Bouthéina; Morales-Muñiz, Arturo; Nabais, Mariana; O'Connor, Terry; Oueslati, Tarek; Morales, Eréndira M. Quintana; Pasda, Kerstin; Perera, Jude; Perera, Nimal; Radbauer, Silvia; Ramon, Joan; Rannamäe, Eve; Grego, Joan Sanmartí; Treasure, Edward; Valenzuela-Lamas, Silvia; van der Jagt, Inge; Van Neer, Wim; Vigne, Jean-Denis; Walker, Thomas; Wynne-Jones, Stephanie; Zeiler, Jørn; Dobney, Keith; Boivin, Nicole; Searle, Jeremy B.; Krause-Kyora, Ben; Krause, Johannes; Larson, Greger; Orton, David
    Published 2021
    Abstract The distribution of the black rat ( Rattus rattus ) has been heavily influenced by its association with humans. The dispersal history of this non-native commensal rodent across Europe, however, remains poorly ...
  • New evidence for the transcontinental spread of early faience 

    Wang, Yingzhu; Rehren, Thilo; Tan, Yuchen; Cong, Dexin; Jia, Peter Weiming; Henderson, Julian; Ma, Hongjiao; Betts, Alison; Chen, Kunlong
    Published 2020-01-01
    This paper presents compositional results for six faience beads from Adunqiaolu, an Early Bronze Age site in western Xinjiang, China. It is shown that all analysed samples were made of mixed-alkali flux with sodium oxide ...
  • Colour and Identity in Ancient Greece 

    Kowalski, Charlotte Jade
    Published 2016-01-01
    This thesis explores the possible conventional use of colour for the representation of identity in ancient Greece from the sixth to the fourth centuries BC. The question is considered for broad identities based on gender, ...
    Open Access

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