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dc.contributor.authorZeng, Jingjing
dc.contributor.authorLi, Zheng
dc.contributor.authorHensher, David A.
dc.description.abstractTo aggregate commuters’ mode choices to traffic behavior in the presence of travel time uncertainty, we develop a dynamic traffic simulation in terms of an agent-based model, which consists of two sub-models, the mode choice model and the traffic flow simulation model. The modeling framework accommodates the interplay between the two models and their co-evolution over time. We embed an extended list of empirical parameters including ambiguity/risk attitudes and heterogeneity , and time-money trade-offs within a rank-dependent and source-dependent utility framework to imitate commuters’ daily mode choice behaviors. The improved behavioral realism at the micro-level results in an improved understanding of traffic flow in terms of modal split and average speed at equilibrium, compared to a conventional model which assumes risk neutrality and ambiguity neutrality. A novel finding is that ambiguity seeking, a typical behavior in the loss domain but largely ignored in the transport literature, acts as an important driver that shifts commuters from cars to public transport.en_AU
dc.rightsCopyright All Rights Reserveden_AU
dc.subjectdecision making under uncertainty; ambiguity attitude; traffic flow; context dependence; agent-based modelingen_AU
dc.titleTravel Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Road Traffic Behavior: The Multifold Role of Ambiguity Attitudeen_AU
dc.typeWorking Paperen_AU
dc.subject.asrcANZSRC FoR code::35 COMMERCE, MANAGEMENT, TOURISM AND SERVICES::3509 Transportation, logistics and supply chains::350905 Passenger needsen_AU
usyd.facultyThe University of Sydney Business Schoolen_AU
usyd.departmentInstitute of Transport and Logistic Studies (ITLS)en_AU

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