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dc.contributor.authorAckermann, Bronwen (Institut für Musikphysiologie und Musiker-Medizin, Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, Neues Haus 1, 30175, Hannover, Germanyen_AU
dc.contributor.authorSchool of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006, Australia)en_AU
dc.contributor.authorAltenmüller, Eckart (Institut für Musikphysiologie und Musiker-Medizin, Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, Neues Haus 1, 30175, Hannover, Germany)en_AU
dc.description.abstractBackground Movement dysfunctions are commonly reported in musicians, and in extreme cases may result in a persisting loss of motor control. This condition, whereby motor control of the hand during previously highly trained movements on the instrument is lost, is termed focal hand dystonia. It is widely considered to be a consequence of prolonged repetitive daily practice, often in combination with exposure to a range of other risk factors. Current literature recommends retraining as a promising treatment intervention, although only scant scientific evidence exists on which components should be included in a retraining program, and how these may be best administered. Methods A progressive muscle activation and movement exercise program was devised by one of the authors applying a series of anatomy-based off-instrument movement tasks. This series of fine motor control exercises, was used to both assess and retrain focal hand dystonia in a population of musicians. The standardized approach aimed to provide a systematic method of retraining musically relevant muscular synergies that could later be applied to the instrument, while still allowing individual modifications. Retraining sessions were mostly run online as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic, although some early sessions were also able to be undertaken face to face. Both qualitative and quantitative measures were used in this case series to evaluate program efficacy, due to the typical heterogeneity of the focal hand dystonia participants. This included: blinded external neurological evaluation of video footage using the Tubiana grading system, written subjective feedback, exercise progressions, and performance outcomes. Results Pilot testing of 4 patients indicated the utility of the program over approximately a 12- month time period. All subjects improved, 2 of whom have returned to pre-dystonia performance levels. These patients reported the importance of patience and persistence with daily exercise sessions in their recovery. Conclusion Using off-instrument playing-relevant exercises to enhance fine motor control and muscle activation can be effective in retraining focal hand dystonia, regardless of additional treatments or level of performance. They should be regularly practiced and progressed in order for effects to be best progressed to instrumental applications. Further research may elucidate whether there are optimal outcomes with single or particular combinations of treatment approaches.en_AU
dc.titleThe development and use of an anatomy-based retraining program (MusAARP) to assess and treat focal hand dystonia in musicians – a pilot studyen_AU
dc.relation.otherThis research has been supported by an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation experienced researcher Fellowship award.en_AU

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