• The relationship of shift work disorder with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress 

      Chang, Melinda J.; Vidafar, Parisa; Birk, Jeffrey L.; Shechter, Ari
      Published 202
      Shift workers commonly suffer from disturbed sleep, which is known to affect mental health in other populations. Shift work disorder (SWD) is characterized by complaints of insomnia and/or excessive daytime sleepiness ...
      Open Access
    • Lifecycle patterns in the socioeconomic gradient of risk preferences 

      Schurer, Stefanie
      Published 2015
      We investigate which socioeconomic groups are most likely to change their risk preferences over the lifecourse using data from a nationally representative German survey and methods to separate age from cohort and period ...
      Open Access
    • Do personality traits affect productivity? Evidence from the lab 

      Cubel, Maria; Nuevo‐Chiquero, Ana; Sanchez-Pages, Santiago; Vidal-Fernandez, Marian
      Published 2016
      While survey data supports a strong relationship between personality and labour market outcomes, the exact mechanisms behind this association remain unexplored. We take advantage of a controlled laboratory set‐up to explore ...
      Open Access
    • Context-dependency in valuation 

      Tymula, Agnieszka; Plassmann, Hilke
      Published 2016
      In the last few years, work in the nascent field of neuroeconomics has advanced understanding of the brain systems involved in value-based decision making. An important modulator of valuation processes is the specific ...
      Open Access
    • Mental health and productivity at work: Does what you do matter? 

      Bubonya, Melisa; Cobb-Clark, Deborah; Wooden, Mark
      Published 2017
      Much of the economic cost of mental illness stems from workers’ reduced productivity. Using nationally representative panel data we analyze the links between mental health and two alternative workplace productivity measures ...
      Open Access
    • Childhood homelessness and adult employment: the role of education, incarceration, and welfare receipt 

      Cobb-Clark, Deborah; Zhu, Anna
      Published 2017
      This paper examines the long-run employment consequences of experiencing homelessness in childhood rather than later in life. We use novel panel data that link survey and administrative data for a sample of disadvantaged ...
      Open Access
    • The stability of personality traits in adolescence and young adulthood 

      Elkins, Rosemary K; Kassenboehmer, Sonja C; Schurer, Stefanie
      Published 2017
      Models of economic decision-making usually assume that personality is stable over time. We assess the validity of this assumption over an eight-year time frame in adolescence and young adulthood using nationally representative ...
      Open Access
    • Does education strengthen the life skills of adolescents? 

      Schurer, Stefanie
      Published 2017
      Life skills, sometimes referred to as noncognitive skills or personality traits (e.g. conscientiousness or locus of control—the belief to influence events and their outcomes), affect labor market productivity. Policy makers ...
    • Young adults gamble less when observed by peers 

      Tymula, Agnieszka; Whitehair, Jackson
      Published 2018
      The impact of peer presence on the choices made by young people is yet to be fully understood. Using an incentive compatible experiment, we investigate whether: (1) young people’s willingness to accept known and unknown ...
      Open Access
    • University education and non-cognitive skill development 

      Kassenboehmer, Sonja C; Leung, Felix; Schurer, Stefanie
      Published 2018
      We examine the effect of university education on students’ non-cognitive skills (NCS) using high-quality Australian longitudinal data. To isolate the skill-building effects of tertiary education, we follow the education ...
      Open Access
    • An experimental study of adolescent behavior under peer observation: Adolescents are more impatient and inconsistent, not more risk-taking, when observed by peers 

      Tymula, Agnieszka
      Published 2019
      The majority of deaths in adolescence have been attributed to “risky” behaviors (Eaton et al., 2012) and therefore could be avoided had the adolescent made a different decision. In this paper, using two laboratory experiments ...
      Open Access
    • Parenting Style as an Investment in Human Development 

      Cobb-Clark, Deborah; Salamanca, Nicolas; Zhu, Anna
      Published 2019
      We propose a household production function approach to human development that explicitly considers the role of parenting style in child rearing. Specifically, parenting style is modelled as an investment that depends not ...
      Open Access
    • The reciprocal relationship between depressive symptoms and employment status 

      Bubonya, Melisa; Cobb-Clark, Deborah; Ribar, David
      Published 2019
      This paper analyzes the reciprocal lagged relationship between depressive symptoms and employment status. We find that severe depressive symptoms contribute to a 25.6% increase in subsequent non-employment rates, a 20.7% ...
      Open Access
    • Locus of control and internal migration 

      Caliendo, Marco; Cobb-Clark, Deborah; Hennecke, Juliane; Uhlendorff, Arne
      Published 2019
      We model migration across domestic labor markets (internal migration) as the outcome of a job search process in which job seekers form subjective beliefs about the return search effort that are related to their locus of ...
      Open Access
    • Understanding the mechanisms through which adverse childhood experiences affect lifetime economic outcomes 

      Schurer, Stefanie; Trajkovski, Kristian; Hariharan, Tara
      Published 2019
      Over the past two decades, researchers have shown a growing interest in the role of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) – children's confrontation with maltreatment and household dysfunction – in shaping health outcomes. ...
      Open Access
    • Risk preference dynamics around life events 

      Kettlewell, Nathan
      Published 2019
      Using a panel of Australians I estimate the dynamic relationship between common life events and risk preferences. Changes in financial circumstances, parenthood and family loss predict changes in risk preferences. Importantly ...
      Open Access
    • Exploring the role of parental engagement in non-cognitive skill development over the lifecourse 

      Elkins, Rosemary; Schurer, Stefanie
      Published 2020
      We examine the role that parental engagement with child’s education plays in the lifecourse dynamics of locus of control (LOC), one of the most widely studied non-cognitive skills related to economic decision-making. We ...
      Open Access
    • The Impact of Paid Parental Leave on Fertility Intentions 

      Bassford, Micaela; Fisher, Hayley
      Published 2020
      Paid parental leave is an important part of family policy in OECD countries. Australia's Paid Parental Leave (PPL) scheme was introduced in 2011 and provides 18 weeks of leave paid at the full time minimum wage for the ...
      Open Access
    • Economic Rationality in Youth With Emerging Mood Disorders 

      Weinrabe, Angé; Chung, Hui-Kuan; Tymula, Agnieszka; Tran, James; Hickie, Ian B.
      Published 2020
      Cognitive difficulties are common in persons experiencing anxiety or mood disorders. In this article, we explore the economic concept of rational decision-making in young people with emerging mood disorders by using ...
      Open Access
    • Reducing Internet Gambling Harms Using Behavioral Science: A Stakeholder Framework 

      Gainsbury, Sally M; Black, Nicola; Blaszczynski, Alex; Callaghan, Sascha; Clancey, Garner; Starcevic, Vladan; Tymula, Agnieszka
      Published 2020
      Internet gambling provides a unique environment with design mechanics and data-driven opportunities that can impact gambling-related harms. Some elements of Internet gambling including isolation, lack of interruption, and ...