Recent Submissions

  • Influence of Supply Chain Network Topology on the Evolution of Firm Strategies 

    Perera, Supun; Kasthurirathna, Dharshana; Bell, Michael
    Published 2020-01-01
    This study investigates the influence of the topological structure of a supply chain network (SCN) on the evolution of cooperative and defective strategies adopted by the individual firms. First, a range of topologies ...
    Open Access
    Working Paper
  • Post Pandemic Aviation Market Recovery: Focus on Changes in China 

    Czerny, Achim; Fu, Xiaowen; Lei, Zheng; Qum, Tae. H.
    Published 2020
    China was the first aviation market in the world hit hard by the COVID-19 and has been recovering gradually as the pandemic became largely under control within mainland China. This study reviews the recovery pattern ...
    Open Access
    Working Paper
  • The humble school bus: An opportunity for improving regional mobility 

    Stanley, John; Stanley, Janet
    Published 2020-01-01
    Many regional and rural Australians are at risk of social exclusion and lower wellbeing due to poor accessibility options. The paper uses a Victrorian regional case study to demonstrate how regional/rural transport ...
    Open Access
    Working Paper
  • Applications of brain imaging methods in driving behaviour research 

    Haghani, Milad; Bliemer, Michiel C. J.; Farooq, Bilal; Kim, Inhi; Li, Zhibin; Oh, Cheol; Shahhoseini, Zahra; MacDougall, Hamish
    Published 2020-01-01
    Applications of neuroimaging methods have substantially contributed to the scientific understanding of human factors during driving by providing a deeper insight into the neuro- cognitive aspects of driver brain. This has ...
    Open Access
    Working Paper
  • Research priorities in appraisal methodology 

    Stanley, John
    Published 2020-01-01
    Appraisal in the transport sector has a history extending back around 60 years, in terms of application at scale, with antecedents going back to at least the French economist and engineer, Jules Dupuit, a century or so ...
    Open Access
    Working Paper

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