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dc.contributor.authorHensher, David A.
dc.contributor.authorPuckett, Sean
dc.description.abstractCharging users of the roads for the costs they impose on the system is not new. Economists have been promoting its virtues for as long as arguments about economic efficiency have been in print. What is different today is that a growing number (but by no means all) of decision makers are showing a greater interest and commitment to finding ways to improve the efficiency of the road system, be it through infrastructure expansion and/or other means. Of special interest is the growing level of traffic congestion, and a feeling of almost helplessness, that we seem to have failed in finding a way forward to maintain traffic congestion at levels that are acceptable to the public, and are consistent with principles of good economic practice. The literature abounds with suggestions on how this might be achieved, focused primarily on various pricing regimes that say as much as about levels of charges as they do about the role of the revenue raised, the latter as controversial as the former. The current state of technology provides a capability to introduce sophisticated charging mechanisms. We are at a stage in the evolution of ‘solutions’ to dealing with inefficient road use and provision of road funds that offers real prospects of delivering outcomes that can align with political, social and user demands and expectations. This paper provides a global perspective on the road to efficiency, using the UK contributions in the special issue as a backdrop of what can be done. The issues and challenges are sufficiently global to enable the contributions to be of immediate relevance beyond the UK.en_AU
dc.subjectUser charges, road pricing, congestion, integrated technologyen_AU
dc.titleRoad User Charging: The Global Relevance of Recent Developments in the United Kingdomen_AU
dc.typeWorking Paperen_AU

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