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dc.contributor.authorHensher, David A.
dc.identifier.issnISSN 1440-3501
dc.description.abstractThe study of traveller behaviour has in the main treated each agent in a decision-network as an independent decision maker conditioned typically (and exogenously) on the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of other agents and at best on a set of exogenous variables representing the (perceived ‘equilibrium’) influence of other agents. In many literatures it has long been recognised that agency interaction plays a (potentially) significant role in the actions of individuals. Examples at the household, community and business level abound. McFadden (2001a,b) recently stated that a high priority research agenda for choice modellers is the recognition of the role of social and psychological interactions between decision makers in the formation of preferences. Manski (2000) came to a similar conclusion and offered a plea for better data to assist in understanding the role of interactions between social agents (promoting the role of experimental choice data). While the interest in (endogenous) interactions between agents involved in passenger travel activity is generally neglected, the absence is particularly notable and of greater concern with the renewed interest in the study of (urban) freight travel activity where a supply chain of decision-makers have varying degrees of influence and power over the freight distribution task. This paper reviews the broad literature on interactive decision making with a specific focus on choices made by interactive agents and the role of individuals in networks. A number of modelling perspectives are presented that use well established discrete choice paradigms. We highlight the challenges in designing data collection paradigms that are comprehensive, relevant and comprehendible by participating agents and suggest an agenda for ongoing research.en_AU
dc.subjectUrban freighten_AU
dc.subjectinteractive agencyen_AU
dc.subjectdecision structuresen_AU
dc.subjectsupply chain choiceen_AU
dc.titleModels of Organisational and Agency Choices for Passenger and Freight- Related Travel Choices: Notions of Inter-Activity and Influenceen_AU
dc.typeWorking Paperen_AU

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