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dc.contributor.authorHensher, David A.
dc.identifier.issnISSN 1440-3501
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents one researchers perception of selective emphases in the body of travel behaviour research which have had and/or may in the future have a non-marginal impact on the way that research activity is undertaken. Some of the contributions are well established and have moved from state of the art to state of practice; other efforts are relatively new and maturing in their role as paradigms of thought. The contributions can broadly be grouped into four classes of research: decision paradigms, in particular the interpretation of the choice process within a broad activity framework, and the recognition that agents making decisions do not always operate in a perfectly competitive market; releasing the analytical formalism of the choice/decision process from the restrictive IIA paradigm of the great majority of applied travel choice modelling - moving to nested structures, free variance and correlation among alternatives, random taste weights, accommodating unobserved heterogeneity and mixed 'logits'; combining sources of preference and choice data, including joint analysis of market and experimental choice data, interfaces between attitudinal and behavioural data, and generalising valuation to valuation functions; and advances in the study of the dynamics of traveller behaviour, especially the timing of change and its importance in establishing hurdle dates for forecasting traffic and revenue for infrastructure projects.en_AU
dc.titleUnderstanding Travel Behaviour: Some Appealing Research Directionsen_AU
dc.typeWorking Paperen_AU

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