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dc.contributor.authorO’Connor, David
dc.contributor.authorCaulfield, Brian
dc.identifier.citationInternational Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport – 2017 - Stockholm, Sweden - Thredbo 15en_AU
dc.descriptionPapers - Workshop 1en_AU
dc.description.abstractFew studies have looked at the impact Level-of-Service (LOS) might have on the distances people walk to public transport. The relationship, if any, has implications for transit-oriented-development and the viability of different transit modes serving suburban areas. This paper examines pedestrian catchment areas and LOS at across a light rail, a metro rail and two bus corridors in Dublin. Over 700 public transport users were surveyed at 17 stops and their trip origin identified. Catchment areas for bus services with high levels of service were found to be comparable and often greater than those for LRT or metro rail. 65% of all bus trip-origins are more than 500m from stops. A standard distance analysis suggests natural catchment limits of over 1400m for high quality bus, significantly greater than light rail and metro rail of similar service levels. The shape of transit catchment areas are also distinctive and appear to be most influenced by: network density, stopping patterns, urban gravity and quality of service. While further analysis is recommended, public transport users in the Greater Dublin Area appear more influenced by level-of-service than by modal type when deciding how far they are prepared to walk to public transport.en_AU
dc.description.sponsorshipInstitute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydneyen_AU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesThredbo 15en_AU
dc.subjectThredbo 15 - Papers - Workshop 1en_AU
dc.titleLevel of Service and the Transit Neighbourhood - observations from Dublin City and Suburbsen_AU
dc.typeConference paperen_AU

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