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dc.contributor.authorKhan, Shahbaz
dc.contributor.authorBest, L
dc.contributor.authorWang, B
dc.description.abstractThis brief discussion paper documents key points arising from the Overseas Visit (24-28 June 2002) to the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) Joint Research Unit – Innovation in Montpellier, France1. The purpose of the visit was to: 1. Investigate the relevance of INRA agricultural extension practice to CRC Rice Project 5204; 2. Explore the potential for INRA – CRC Rice collaboration in agricultural extension. Key points arising from the visit are as follows: 1. Elements common to the French and Australian contexts of agricultural extension and rice production were identified during the course of the visit; 2. Social theory central to the research framework of CRC Rice Project 5204 was recognised as critically informing INRA agricultural extension practice; 3. INRA require an authoritative statement of CRC Rice intent in agricultural extension if the opportunity for collaboration is to be further developed.en
dc.format.extent2376344 bytes
dc.publisherCSIRO Land and Wateren
dc.titleSurface-Groundwater Iteraction Model of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (Development of the Hydrogeological Databases)en
dc.typeReport, Technicalen_AU

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