The Centre for time was established in October 2002, and is supported by the Australian Research Council and the University of Sydney, under the terms of a Federation Fellowship awarded to Professor Huw Price. The Centre's research focuses on the role of time and time-asymmetry in the conceptual foundations of modern physics, and on related issues in philosophy.

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Sub-collections in this collection

Recent Submissions

  • Self-organizing collections and collective agents 

    Ismael, Jenann
    Published 2006-12-04
    Advances in understanding self-organization over the past few decades have led to the temptation to extend it to a model of human cognition. The extension is supported by new insights in situated cognition and success in ...
    Open Access
  • Mental Causation and the Determination Relation 

    Menzies, Peter
    Published 2006-12-04
    Stephen Yablo's influential article "Mental Causation" made an interesting new move in the philosophical debate about the exclusion problem about mental causation. He observed that (i) determinables are not excluded from ...
    Open Access
    Conference paper
  • Remembering together: is there a social ontology of memory? 

    Sutton, John
    Published 2006-12-04
    In analysing certain integrated collectivities as group subjects or institutional persons, Philip Pettit stresses that such collectivities engage in a social form of self-regulation by collectivizing reason in the service ...
    Open Access
  • Rationality, reasoning and regulation: the case of group agents 

    Pettit, Philip; Steele, Katie
    Published 2006-12-04
    Note: The audio file features Philip Pettit's paper, entitiled "Rationality, reasoning and regulation: the case of group agents," followed by commentary from Katie Steele, then discussion. Abstract for Pettit's paper: ...
    Open Access
  • Death 

    Ismael, Jenann
    Published 2006-06-08
    We don't like to think about death. In fact, we do everything we can to avoid it. Is it something to be feared? Why? Who does death harm? What kind of a loss is involved in the loss of a human life? Does the finitude of ...
    Open Access
    Recording, oral

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