The Educational Innovation Team
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The Educational Innovation team (Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education Portfolio) offers focused and strategic teaching and learning support to faculties and personalised professional learning opportunities for those involved in teaching.
Sub-collections in this collection
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University of Sydney – Student Partnership Charter
Published 2024-06-26Student partnership is diverse in practice; this charter provides the definitions, values, principles and actions that inform and share practice across diverse teaching and learning contexts at the University of Sydney. ...Book -
Green Guide: Enhancing the learning experiences of students from equity backgrounds
Published 2024-06-03This book is a practical guide for educators who want to better support students from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds through teaching and learning. It offers evidence-based strategies and actionable steps for ...Book -
Challenges and barriers to implementing research-based experiences for undergraduates at Macquarie University
Published 2016Executive Summary In a university that aspires to offer transformative experiences that change the lives of students, and that desires to promote enquiry-driven learning (Framing of Futures), it is important that ...Report, Research -
The Research Higher Degree Supervision Development Program. Report to The University of Sydney Research and Research Training Committee of Academic Board
Published 2007EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The Research Higher Degree Supervision Development Program underwent a major revision in 2006 to take account of the changed policy context and the University’s requirements for supervisor registration. 2. ...Report, Research -
Research-led Teaching and Scholarship of Teaching Project : Report to Teaching and Learning Committee of Academic Board
Published 2003Executive Summary There is a demonstrated need at all levels to improve students’ perceptions of research and its relationship to their courses. The findings of this report suggest that faculties could better articulate ...Report, Research