• The Right Carrot for an Unruly Jungle 

      Baharlou, Kusha
      Published 2011-12-07
      This thesis examines the U.S. Department of Justice leniency program setup involving both corporate and individual leniency. Specifically, the interaction between corporate and individual leniency programs in concurrent ...
      Open Access
      Thesis, Honours
    • Trend Inflation and Inflation Persistence in Australia: A New Keynesian Perspective 

      Yadav, Anirudh
      Published 2011-12-07
      The true nature of inflation dynamics is an ongoing matter of debate and investigation in modern macroeconomics. That such attention is devoted to the dynamics of inflation is due to its importance, not only for understanding ...
      Open Access
      Thesis, Honours
    • The Macroeconomic Effects of Quantitative Easing 

      Swain, Richard
      Published 2011-12-07
      The recent crisis has raised two key macroeconomic issues. First, has the quantitative easing policy pursued by the Federal Reserve had an effect on output, employment and prices? Second, whether ‘quantitative easing,’ is ...
      Open Access
      Thesis, Honours
    • Mass Media and Aspiration Manipulation: An Experiment Altering Preferences Over Goals 

      Wu, Kevin
      Published 2011-12-07
      Mass media consumption has increasingly been found to adversely impact upon psychological states but research has largely neglected the potential influence of media on aspirations. An experiment demonstrates aspirational ...
      Open Access
      Thesis, Honours
    • A Search Theory of Dowry 

      Walsh, Conor
      Published 2011-12-07
      Dowries have traditionally been viewed in economics as arising from a supply imbalance of the marriage market which disadvantages women. In this thesis, a different cause is proposed. Dowries are modelled as arising from ...
      Open Access
      Thesis, Honours