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dc.contributor.authorCox, Wendell
dc.contributor.authorDuthion, Brice
dc.identifier.citationInternational Conference Series on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport – 2001 – Molde, Norway– Thredbo 7en_AU
dc.descriptionWorkshop Aen_AU
dc.description.abstractOver the past 15 years, a number of nations and urban areas have converted part or all of their public transport systems to competitive mechanisms. At the same time, the competitive market has provided public transport services in other nations for decades. This paper provides an international perspective on the current situation and developments in competitive provision of public transport services. Particular emphasis is placed upon the history of competitive provision in France, the international role of French companies in competition and the prospects for additional competition under new regulations of the European Union. Detailed case studies are provided dealing with urban areas, including London, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Denver, San Diego and Las Vegasen_AU
dc.publisherInstitute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydneyen_AU
dc.rightsCopyright the University of Sydneyen
dc.titleCompetition In Urban Public Transport A World Viewen_AU
dc.typeConference paperen_AU

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