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dc.contributor.authorJorgensen, Mikaela
dc.contributor.authorTogher, Leanne
dc.description.abstractPrimary objective: To investigate the effects of a familiar communication partner on the production of narrative after traumatic brain injury(TBI) Method: Ten participants with TBI were matched with ten control participants for sex, age and education. Particpants independently retold a story from a picture sequence and also retold a video segment with a friend to a researcher. The resulting discourse was analysed for productivity, cohesion, story grammar, informational content and exchange structure. Results: There was a significant difference between participants with and without TBI for all measures in the monologic narrative. In the jointly-produced narrative, there was no significant difference in performance and participation between individuals with TBI and control participants. Participants with TBI demonstrated a signigicant improvement between monologic and the jointly-produced task in story grammar and informational content. Conclusions: The natural scaffolding provided by friends of participants with TBI in a meaningful narrative task facilitated competent participation in and production of narrative. These findings indicate an avenue for training everyday communication partners in supporting narrative skills after TBI, and for the use of jointly-produced narrative as an additional assessment tool to create a holistic view of everyday skillsen
dc.subjectTraumatic brain injuryen
dc.subjectAssessment toolen
dc.subjectMonologic narrativeen
dc.subjectJointly-produced narrrativeen
dc.titleNarrative after traumatic brain injury : a comparison of monologic and jointly-produced discourseen
dc.typeThesis, Honoursen
dc.contributor.departmentSpeech Pathologyen

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