• Australian Survey on Legal Issues Facing e-Research 

      Heffernan, Maree; Kiel-Chisholm, Scott
      Published 2008-01-01
      The Legal Framework for e-Research Project lead by Professor Brian Fitzgerald and hosted by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is funded by the Australian Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Author Biographies and Index 

      Fitzgerald, Brian
      Published 2008-01-01
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Creating a Legal Framework for Copyright Management of Open Access within the Australian Academic and Research Sector 

      Fitzgerald, Brian; Fitzgerald, Anne; Perry, Mark; Kiel-Chisholm, Scott; Driscoll, Erin; Thampapillai, Dilan; Coates, Jessica
      Published 2008-01-01
      There is an increasing recognition, in Australia and internationally, that access to knowledge is a key driver of social, cultural and economic development. The argument for greater access to, and reuse of, research outputs ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Cyber Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences 

      Unsworth, John
      Published 2008-01-01
      In January 2003, a blue ribbon panel appointed by the National Science Foundation and led by Dan Atkins, of the University of Michigan, completed a report called ‘Revolutionising Science and Engineering through ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Cyberinfrastructure For Knowledge Sharing 

      Wilbanks, John
      Published 2008-01-01
      Knowledge sharing is at the root of scholarship and science. A hypothesis is formulated, research performed, experimental materials designed or acquired, tests run, data obtained and analysed, and finally a publication. ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Designing Institutional Infrastructures for e-Science 

      David, Paul A; Spence, Michael
      Published 2008-01-01
      The opportunity exists today for unprecedented connections between scientists, information, data, computational services, and instruments through the Internet. A new generation of information and communication infrastructures, ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • e-Research and Jurisdiction 

      Middleton, Gaye
      Published 2008-01-01
      As part of their daily activities, those involved in e-research will often transfer information, including background materials, research results and software, across state and national borders. The act of transferring ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • The Fifth Dimension 

      Greer, Chris
      Published 2008-01-01
      The aim of this chapter is to consider a five-dimensional world made possible by cyber-infrastructure and how this notion influences legal frameworks. In discussing this five-dimensional world I will highlight fundamental ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Innovation and Open Access to Public Sector Information 

      Cutler, Terry
      Published 2008-01-01
      Most speakers at this summit have been looking at open access from the supply side, presenting the points of view of custodians of government information. What might we lob over the fence to whoever is on the other side? ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • The Law as Cyber Infrastructure 

      Fitzgerald, Brian; Pappalardo, Kylie
      Published 2008-01-01
      In almost everything we do, the law is present. However, we know that strict adherence to the law is not always observed for a variety of pragmatic reasons. Nevertheless, we also understand that we ignore the law at our ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • NIH Data and Resource Sharing, Data Release and Intellectual Property Policies for Genomics Community Resource Projects 

      Driscoll, Claire
      Published 2008-01-01
      Most observers predict significant health-related gains from genomics research. Policy and legal decisions made by government institutions, the courts and legislatures have the potential to make a significant impact on ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Open Data for Global Science 

      Uhlir, Paul; Schröder, Peter
      Published 2008-01-01
      The global science system stands at a critical juncture. On the one hand, it is overwhelmed by a hidden avalanche of ephemeral bits that are central components of modern research and of the emerging ‘cyberinfrastructure’4 ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • A Primer in the Politics of Privacy and Research 

      Ruschena, David
      Published 2008-01-01
      Privacy legislation in Australia is experiencing interesting times. The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has published its Discussion Paper on its Review of Australian Privacy Law dealing with the potential amendment ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Privacy Regulation and e-Research 

      Hayne, Andrew
      Published 2008-01-01
      The Office of the Privacy Commissioner appreciates the kind invitation from the Law Faculty at Queensland University of Technology to present at the 2007 Legal Framework for e-Research Conference. This legal framework ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Science as Social Enterprise: The CAMBIA BiOS Initiative 

      Jefferson, Richard
      Published 2008-01-01
      Nearly four billion people live on daily incomes lower than the price of a latté at Starbucks. Most of them make dramatically less than that—and from that income, they must acquire their food, their medicine, their shelter ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Streamlining Collaborative Agreements in an e-Research World 

      Austin, Anthony; Fitzgerald, Brian
      Published 2008-01-01
      On 22 January 2008, the Australian Minister for Innovation, Science and Research announced a review of the ‘National Innovation System’2 which intends to analyse the Australian innovation system and to ‘build innovation ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Understanding the Legal Implications of Data Sharing, Access and Reuse in the Australian Research Landscape 

      Fitzgerald, Anne; Pappalardo, Kylie; Austin, Anthony
      Published 2008-01-01
      In today’s world, researchers are increasingly involved in data-intensive research projects that cut across geographic and disciplinary borders.5 Quality research now often involves virtual communities of researchers ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • The University-Industry Demonstration Partnership: An Incremental Improvement to University-Industry Collaboration 

      Casey, James J
      Published 2008-01-01
      The cover of the July/August 2007 issue of the Harvard Business Review has two phrases that sum up the goals of university-industry collaboration: ‘Managing for the Long Term’ and ‘Going the Distance’. Although those phrases ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • A Win:Win for Data Access: Balancing Public Good with Privacy Concerns 

      Stanley, Fiona
      Published 2008-01-01
      This chapter suggests that the current urgent issues facing modern societies demand the best information and knowledge from which decisions can be made. This is vital for governments at all levels, nongovernment organisations ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Working for a Research-Friendly IPR Framework in the UK 

      Friend, Frederick
      Published 2008-01-01
      Research institutions and individual researchers in many countries are facing intellectual property issues which are changing the way in which the results of research are disseminated, how those results are used and by ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter