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dc.contributor.authorHo-Nguyen, Nam
dc.description.abstractWe consider the problem of detecting defective items amongst a large collection, by conducting tests of individual or groups of items. Group testing offers improvements over the naive individual testing scheme by potentially certifying multiple individual items as non-defective with a single test. The group testing problem aims to design a group testing plan to detect the defective items using as few tests as possible. We propose novel two-stage stochastic and robust optimization formulations for the design of group testing plans in the noiseless non-adaptive setting. Our formulations enable us to certify optimality for existing group testing schemes, as well as model complex grouping constraints, a feature that is not discussed in the existing literature.en_AU
dc.rightsCopyright All Rights Reserveden_AU
dc.titleTwo-Stage Stochastic and Robust Optimization for Non-Adaptive Group Testingen_AU
dc.typeWorking Paperen_AU
dc.subject.asrc0102 Applied Mathematicsen_AU
dc.subject.asrc0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematicsen_AU
dc.subject.asrc0104 Statisticsen_AU
usyd.facultyThe University of Sydney Business Schoolen_AU
usyd.departmentBusiness Analyticsen_AU

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