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dc.contributor.authorHarrington, Lauren
dc.contributor.authorZahirovic, Sabin
dc.contributor.authorFlament, Nicolas
dc.contributor.authorMuller, R. Dietmar
dc.identifier.citationLauren Harrington, Sabin Zahirovic, Nicolas Flament, R. Dietmar Müller, The role of deep Earth dynamics in driving the flooding and emergence of New Guinea since the Jurassic, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 479, 2017, Pages 273-283, ISSN 0012-821X,
dc.descriptionThe authors also acknowledge the Sydney Informatics Hub and the University of Sydney's HPC service for providing technical assistance that contributed to the research results reported within this paper. Figures were constructed using Generic Mapping Tools ( Wessel and Smith, 1998; Wessel et al., 2013 ), GPlates ( ) and ArcGIS. Appendix Aen_AU
dc.description.abstractThe paleogeography of New Guinea indicates fluctuating periods of flooding and emergence since the Jurassic, which are inconsistent with estimates of global sea level change since the Eocene. The role of deep Earth dynamics in explaining these discrepancies has not been explored, despite the strongly time-dependent geodynamic setting within which New Guinea has evolved. We aim to investigate the role of subduction-driven mantle flow in controlling long-wavelength dynamic topography and its manifestation in the regional sedimentary record, within a tectonically complex region leading to orogeny. We couple regionally refined global plate reconstructions with forward geodynamic models to compare trends of dynamic topography with estimates of eustasy and regional paleogeography. Qualitative corroboration of modelled mantle structure with equivalent tomographic profiles allows us to ground-truth the models. We show that predicted dynamic topography correlates with the paleogeographic record of New Guinea from the Jurassic to the present. We find that subduction at the East Gondwana margin locally enhanced the high eustatic sea levels from the Early Cretaceous (∼145 Ma) to generate long-term regional flooding. During the Miocene, however, dynamic subsidence associated with subduction of the Maramuni Arc played a fundamental role in causing long-term inundation of New Guinea during a period of global sea level fall. © 2017 Elsevier B.Ven_AU
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research was undertaken with the assistance of resources from the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), which is supported by the Australian Government . SZ and RDM were supported by Australian Research Council grant IH130200012 and DP130101946 . NF was supported by Australian Research Council grant DE160101020en_AU
dc.relationAustralian Research Council through grants DP130101946,DE160101020,IH130200012en_AU
dc.rights© 2017. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license
dc.subjectdynamic topographyen_AU
dc.subjectinundation historyen_AU
dc.subjectmantle flowen_AU
dc.subjectNew Guineaen_AU
dc.titleThe role of deep Earth dynamics in driving the flooding and emergence of New Guinea since the Jurassicen_AU

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