Longitudinal brain MR retrieval with diffeomorphic demons registration: What happened to those patients with similar changes?
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Open Access
Conference paperAbstract
Current medical content-based retrieval (MCBR) systems for neuroimaging data mainly focus on retrieving the cross-sectional neuroimaging data with similar regional or global measurements. The longitudinal pathological changes along different time-points are usually neglected in ...
See moreCurrent medical content-based retrieval (MCBR) systems for neuroimaging data mainly focus on retrieving the cross-sectional neuroimaging data with similar regional or global measurements. The longitudinal pathological changes along different time-points are usually neglected in such MCBR systems. We propose the cross-registration based retrieval for longitudinal MR data to retrieve patients with similar structural changes as an extension to the existing MCBR systems. The diffeomorphic demons registration is used to extract the tissue deformation between two adjacent MR volumes. An asymmetric square dissimilarity matrix is designed for indexing the patient changes within a specific interval. A visual demonstration is given to show the registration displacement fields of the query as compared to the simulated results. The experimental performance with the mean average precision (mAP) and the average top-K accuracy (aACC) are reported for evaluation.
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See moreCurrent medical content-based retrieval (MCBR) systems for neuroimaging data mainly focus on retrieving the cross-sectional neuroimaging data with similar regional or global measurements. The longitudinal pathological changes along different time-points are usually neglected in such MCBR systems. We propose the cross-registration based retrieval for longitudinal MR data to retrieve patients with similar structural changes as an extension to the existing MCBR systems. The diffeomorphic demons registration is used to extract the tissue deformation between two adjacent MR volumes. An asymmetric square dissimilarity matrix is designed for indexing the patient changes within a specific interval. A visual demonstration is given to show the registration displacement fields of the query as compared to the simulated results. The experimental performance with the mean average precision (mAP) and the average top-K accuracy (aACC) are reported for evaluation.
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S. Liu et al., "Longitudinal brain MR retrieval with diffeomorphic demons registration: What happened to those patients with similar changes?," 2015 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), New York, NY, 2015, pp. 588-591. doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2015.7163942Share