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dc.contributor.authorImbs, Jean
dc.contributor.authorPauwels, Laurent
dc.description.abstractGlobal trade can give rise to global hubs, centers of activity whose influence on the global economy is large enough that local disturbances have consequences in the aggregate. This paper investigates the nature, existence, and rise of such hubs using the World Input-Output Tables (WIOT) to evaluate the importance of vertical trade in creating global hubs that significantly affect countries volatility and their co-movement. Our results suggest that the world has become more granular since 1995, with significant consequences on GDP volatility and co-movements especially in developed countries. These consequences are well explained by international trade.en_AU
dc.publisherBusiness Analytics.
dc.subjectAggregate volatilityen_AU
dc.subjectGDP synchronizationen_AU
dc.subjectglobal hubsen_AU
dc.subjectinput-output linkagesen_AU
dc.subjectWorld Input-Output Tablesen_AU
dc.titleFundamental Momentsen_AU
dc.typeWorking Paperen_AU
dc.contributor.departmentDiscipline of Business Analytics, The University of Sydney Business Schoolen_AU

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