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dc.contributor.authorNew, Elizabeth J
dc.contributor.authorWimmer, Verena C
dc.contributor.authorHare, Dominic J
dc.identifier.citationCell Chemical Biology, Volume 25, Issue 1, 18 January 2018, Pages 7-18en_AU
dc.description.abstractA picture may speak a thousand words, but if those words fail to form a coherent sentence there is little to be learned. As cutting-edge imaging technology now provides us the tools to decipher the multitude of roles played by metals and metalloids in molecular, cellular and developmental biology, as well as health and disease, it is time to reflect on the advances made in imaging, the limitations discovered, and the future of a burgeoning field. In this Perspective, the current state-of-the-art is discussed from a self-imposed contrarian position, as we not only highlight the major advances made of the years but use them as teachable moments to zoom in on challenges that remain to be overcome. We also describe the steps being taken towards being able to paint a completely undisturbed picture of cellular metal metabolism, which is, metaphorically speaking, the Holy Grail of the discipline.en_AU
dc.publisherElsevier Publishingen_AU
dc.relationARC DP150100649, ARC DP150103369, ARC LP120200081en_AU
dc.titlePromises and Pitfalls of Metal Imaging in Biologyen_AU

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