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dc.contributor.authorHensher, David A.
dc.contributor.authorHo, Chinh
dc.identifier.citationHensher, D. A., Ho, C. (2015). The role of perceived acceptability of alternatives in identifying and assessing choice set processing strategies in stated choice settings: The case of road pricing reform. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 83, 225-237.en_AU
dc.description.abstractIn designing choice experiments, it is common to present a number of alternatives to a respondent and have them choose the most preferred alternative. However, respondents may ignore one or more alternatives which they deem unacceptable for various reasons. This possibility aligns with the idea of the ‘consideration set’ which influences the choice of an alternative given the choice set of interest. This paper uses an endogenous choice set model to investigate the influence that contextual effects and socioeconomic characteristics play in explaining variations in the choice sets considered by respondents when they reveal their preferences.en_AU
dc.description.sponsorshipAustralian Research Council Discovery Programen_AU
dc.publisherPergamon-Elsevier Science Ltden_AU
dc.relationAustralian Research Council Discovery Programen_AU
dc.subjectChoice of choice setsen_AU
dc.subjectProcessing strategiesen_AU
dc.subjectAcceptable alternativesen_AU
dc.subjectRandom parametersen_AU
dc.subjectStated choiceen_AU
dc.subjectRoad pricingen_AU
dc.titleThe role of perceived acceptability of alternatives in identifying and assessing choice set processing strategies in stated choice settings: The case of road pricing reformen_AU

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