• Auto-wah envelope filter software 

      Adlington, Isabella
      Published 2016-06-05
      Open Access
      Report, Technical
    • Bandpass Limiter 

      Vyas, Neil
      Published 2016-06-06
      Bandpass Limiter is a limiter that has a bandpass filter included in its design. When an audio signal is input into the limiter, it band-passes the audio signal before it gets to the limiter stage. The Bandpass Limiter can ...
      Open Access
      Recording, acoustical
    • distCONV: A Revolutionary Time-Variant, Dynamic Convolution/Distortion Processor! 

      Natoli, Daniel John
      Published 2016-06-05
      distCONV is a revolutionary dynamic convolution/distortion processor that allows a user to convolve two audio files (.wav) whilst applying time-augmentation and distortion processing to the convolved signal over time. The ...
      Open Access
      Recording, acoustical
    • The FocusAmp - Multiband Control Over Distortion Based Effects 

      Stephen, Joshua Mark
      Published 2016-06-06
      The following final review details the basic components, implementation and evaluation of a multi-band distortion unit called the FocusAmp. Designed to give an end user a large amount of flexibility, the FocusAmp allows ...
      Open Access
      Recording, acoustical

      Park, Yeong Min
      Published 2016-06-06
      Distortion effects implemented using digital signal processing software MATLAB, problem description about past and current issues we deliver final product specification, implementation, evaluation of final product development.
      Open Access
      Report, Technical
    • Multidist - A Distortion Unit with Optional Multiband Functionality 

      Back, Michael
      Published 2016-06-06
      Multidist is a new, exciting distortion effects processer developed by Trentone. The Multidist software offers users the freedom and variety that other processors do not. It has optional multiband capabilities, six separate ...
      Open Access

      Jancovich, Benjamin
      Published 2016-06-06
      The modern audio production process is highly dependent on efficient workflows and pre-preparation of content. Fast turnaround is crucial. For this reason, it is standard practice for producers and sound designers to ...
      Open Access
      Report, Technical