Browsing Sydney Health Ethics by title
15 minute consultation: an evidence-based approach to research without prior consent (deferred consent) in neonatal and paediatric critical care trials
Published 2015-01-01What do we mean by research without prior consent (deferred consent)? Emergency research with critically unwell children is vital to make sure that the most ill and injured children benefit from evidence-based healthcare.1 ...Article -
Abandoning clinical trial safeguards won’t boost local industry
Published 2013-10-07Testing new drugs in clinical trials is a billion-dollar industry in Australia, with most of the money coming from international pharmaceutical companies. But as investment grows in India, China, and other emerging ...Article -
The abandonment of Australians in India: an analysis of the right of entry as a security right in the age of COVID-19
Published 2022In May 2021, when the Delta variant of SARS-CoV2 was wreaking havoc in India, the Australian Federal Government banned its citizens and residents who were there from coming back to Australia for 14 days on penalty of fines ...Article -
Academics on the payroll: the advertising you don’t see
Published 2014-06-18In the endless drive to get people’s attention, advertising is going ‘native’, creeping in to places formerly reserved for editorial content. In this Native Advertising series we find out what it looks like, if readers can ...Article -
Accelerated access to medicines: An ethical analysis
Published 2017-01-01In recent years, a range of initiatives have been introduced to provide patients with access to medicines outside of traditional regulatory and/or funding channels; we term these processes “accelerated access to medicines”. ...Article -
Access to high cost cancer medicines through the lens of an Australian Senate Inquiry - defining the 'goods' at stake.
Published 2017-01-01In Australia, the government is the primary payer for cancer medicines, and is supported by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee, which makes recommendations about which medicines should be funded on the ...Article -
Access to new cancer medicines in Australia: dispelling the myths and informing a public debate
Published 2016-01-01Despite the high level of spending on cancer medicines in Australia, consumer organisations and the pharmaceutical industry often make claims of delayed or lack of access to new cancer medicines—claims that are frequently ...Article, Letter -
Access to the Kidney Transplant Waiting List – a time for reflection
Published 2012-01-01The limited availability of deceased donor kidneys for transplantation in Australia continues to be a matter of concern. Analysis of registry data suggests that the current renal transplant waiting list under-represents ...Article -
Addressing health inequities for same sex attracted women in New South Wales, Australia, who use drugs
Published 2011-01-01ACON’s Alcohol and Other Drugs Program provides a Needle Syringe Program, peerbased harm reduction programs, drug education targeted at members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community, and counselling ...Conference poster -
Addressing health inequities for same sex attracted women in New South Wales, who use drugs (APSAD).
Published 2011-11-01ACON’s Alcohol and Other Drugs Program provides a Needle Syringe Program, peer-based harm reduction programs, drug education targeted at members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) community, and counselling ...Conference poster -
Adherence to cancer screening guidelines in Australian survivors of allogeneic blood and marrow transplantation (BMT)
Published 2016-04-25Allogeneic Blood and Marrow Transplant (BMT) survivors are at high risk of secondary cancers. Although current guidelines endorse survivors following Country-specific general population screening recommendations to mitigate ...Article -
Advance care planning for cancer patients: A systematic review of perceptions and experiences of patients, families and healthcare providers
Published 2015-09-01Background Patients with advanced cancer may benefit from end of life (EOL) planning, but there is evidence that their willingness and desire to engage in advance care planning (ACP) varies. The reasons for this remain ...Article -
Aesthetics for Visual Arts in Hospitals
Published 2011-05-16The impetus for Aesthetics for Art in Hospitals emerged from my first waiting experiences in hospitals whilst being well, from my first pregnancy check ups ten years ago, accompanying my children to our doctor’s surgery, ...Thesis -
Affordable access to innovative cancer medicines — don’t forget the prices
Published 2016-01-01On 17 September 2015, the much anticipated Senate report on the and specialist cancer drugs in Australia Availability of new, innovative was released.1 The inquiry preceding the report, which was triggered by concerns about ...Article -
Against the use and publication of contemporary unethical research: the case of Chinese transplant research
Published 2020-01-01Recent calls for retraction of a large body of Chinese transplant research and of Dr. Jiankui He’ gene editing research has led to renewed interest in the question of publication, retraction and use of unethical biomedical ...Article -
The Age of Genomics
Published 2016-08-01This edition of Australasian Science focuses on the ethical, legal and social issues associated with advances in genomic science. Faster and more accurate sequencing of human genomes; smaller and smarter wearable technologies; ...Article, Letter -
An Agrarian Imaginary in Urban Life: Cultivating Virtues and Vices Through a Conflicted History.
Published 2013-01-01This paper explores the influence and use of agrarian thought on collective understandings of food practices as sources of ethical and communal value in urban contexts. A primary proponent of agrarian thought that this ...Article -
All care, but whose responsibility? Community juries reason about expert and patient responsibilities in prostate-specific antigen screening for prostate cancer
Published 2016-08-03General practitioners have implicitly been given responsibility for guiding men’s decisions about prostate-specific antigen–based screening for prostate cancer, but patients’ expectations of the bounds of this responsibility ...Article -
Amphetamine-type stimulant use and HIV/STI risk behaviour among young female sex workers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Published 2011-01-01Background: Use of amphetamine-type substances (ATS) has been linked to increased risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) worldwide. In Cambodia, recent ATS use is independently associated with incident ...Article -
An analysis of the community treatment order system in New South Wales
Published 2015-04-13Aims: The use of CTOs in the management of people living with severe and enduring mental illness is both controversial and poorly understood. The study aimed to determine the factors that shape the operation of the CTO ...Thesis