Sydney Digital Theses (University of Sydney Access only): Recent submissions
Influence Of Grain Properties On Jumps During Free Surface Granular Flows
Published 2024Granular flows may feature liquid and gaseous states despite their solid composi¿on. They can also dissipate significant amounts of energy through internal collisions and fric¿onal contacts. In many real-world scenarios, ...Thesis -
How does Organisational Identification Evolve in the Sharing Economy: The Case of Home-sharing
Published 2024Organisational identity and organisational identification have emerged as two of the most widely used concepts in management research over the past two decades especially in the study of organisational environments. ...Thesis -
Globalisation and Media Industries in the Streaming Era: A Comparative Analysis of Netflix and Tencent Video
Published 2024The rise of global streaming media has significantly reshaped international long-form video production and distribution. Today, international corporations commission content for local domestic markets, while also distributing ...Thesis -
Conflict Induced Displacement: Analysing Perceptions of Conflict and Shifts in Political Orientation among the Youth of the Pakistan-Afghanistan Borderland, North Waziristan
Published 2024The aim of this research is to study how perceptions of conflict among the youth of North Waziristan (which sits on the Pakistani side of the border with Afghanistan) have changed in political orientation within a short ...Thesis -
Understanding the factors driving socially-induced nocebo effects
Published 2024The nocebo effect is a phenomenon that occurs when negative beliefs elicit adverse health outcomes. Problematically, recent research has demonstrated that the nocebo effect can be socially transmitted between individuals. ...Thesis